New Steam dating game actually prepares your 2022 tax return with help from anime waifu

Cover art for Tax Heaven 3000MSCHF Studios

Do you need help preparing your 2022 US Federal tax return? This new dating game on Steam will help you fill out your forms, with the aid of a waifu. 

Filling out tax returns can be quite a stressful time, as gathering all your personal information and financial records is quite the task for many. To help, a new dating game is here to assist you with the stressful ordeal. 

The game, Tax Heaven 3000, was created by the MSCHF, an art collective that has a history of releasing surreal artworks for sale. From creating perfume that smells like WD-40, collaborating with Lil Nas X on the Satan Shoes, to arming a Boston Dynamics robot dog with a paintball gun, they’ve done it all. 

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And their newest creation is a visual novel dating sim that not only lets you date a waifu, but she’ll also help you fill out your 2022 US Federal tax return form. No, really.

Dating sim asking for your social security numberMSCHF Studios
Iris asking for your Social Security Number to help fill out your tax returns

Releasing on March 31, the game will center around Iris, an easygoing cheerful waifu who is oddly interested in your personal finances. And as you woo her, she’ll ask you for your information to aid in your form filling. 

The game was made as a criticism of the difficulties for ordinary people to file tax returns. As MSCHF writes in the about section, “corporate tax filing services are (by dint of extensive lobbying) predatory, parasitic bottlenecks that deliberately complicate the tax filing process.”

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Continuing to say, “video games are, at the end of the day, pieces of software ontologically akin to Microsoft Word.”

They say since at the end of the day, both video games and Word are just software that can input data. Their visual novel is essentially the same as Word, it just adapts it to a dating simulator and guides you through filling out a tax return form.

They also say that Tax Heaven 3000 is suitable for single filers without dependents. 

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But fair warning, the game will ask for your personal infomation, such as Social Security Number, income, and address, so use it at your own risk.