NBA 2K24 players say new badge regression system feels like a “second job”

NBA 2K24 badges2K Games

NBA 2K24‘s new badge regression system has left many players feeling like overworked employees rather than gamers. The new feature, meant to enhance gameplay, ironically feels like clocking into a demanding “second job” for many dedicated fans.

One of the top 2K content creators, Chris Smoove, with a subscriber base of over 5 million, has slammed the controversial badge regression feature in a new video titled: “Badge Regression Is Not Fun.”

In the video, Smoove criticized the new badge system, stating that it feels like “checking into a work shift” rather than enjoying a game.

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He pointed out that despite frequently using certain badges in his gameplay, they showed no progress and even regressed. “It’s like I never use the badge,” he said, highlighting the red arrow indicating regression.

Smoove further explained that this system was particularly problematic when playing online. Players might need to adapt their play style based on the opponent, which could lead to certain badges not being used and subsequently regressing.

He also mentioned the added stress of playing with teammates who might not perform well, leading to a player’s badges not being activated and thus regressing.

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The badge system’s solution, according to 2K, is the introduction of “floor setters,” which are permanent and found in the season pass. However, Smoove points out that once a floor setter is applied to a badge, it cannot be switched later. This means if a player realizes a particular badge isn’t leveling up as it should, they can’t reallocate the floor setter, making the system even more frustrating.

Reddit users have also voiced their frustrations. One player commented, “Why do I need to clock into my 2nd job on this game to keep my badges up? If I don’t shoot 3’s in a game because I’m adapting to my opponent, I lose progress on my shooting badges? That is STUPID!”

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Another user echoed Smoove’s sentiments, stating, “2K is the only sports title that purposefully makes the game not fun to play unless you invest money in it.” They further criticized 2K’s tactics, suggesting that the company is recycling old marketing strategies to encourage players to spend more money.

Another Reddit post titled “Badge regression is silly” highlighted the inconsistency in badge progression. The user shared their experience of seeing the “posterized” badge pop up multiple times during a game, only to find that the badge had regressed afterward.

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As the feedback continues to pour in, it remains to be seen how 2K will respond to these concerns.