MTG Wilds of Eldraine Commander decks get brief spoilers 

MTG ELdraine commander decks

Summon flocks of Faeries or buff your creatures with the aid of the Wild Court, the choice is yours in the Wilds of Eldraine Commander decks. 

Wilds of Eldraine’s release is close at hand, and we’ll give you a look at what’s coming up in both of the set’s Commander decks. 

Fae Dominion is a Blue/Black Fairy Tribal (typal) deck, with plenty of tricks that befit the playful – but often cruel – nature of the fae. Virtue and Valor is Green/White, with a focus on enchanting and buffing creatures.  

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We’ll walk you through the Commanders that await you in these exciting new decks. 

MTG Commander Deck – Fae Dominion spoilers

Commander – Tegwyll, Duke of Splendor

Tegwyll, Eldraine commander

Tegwyll’s effects are perhaps more straightforward than one might have expected for a faerie commander. But his draw effect should provide plenty of value, and there’s no denying that his flat +1/+1 boost to other Faeries will come in handy, allowing you to quickly rack up damage with a wide host of fliers. 

Alt Commander – Alela, Cunning Conquerer

Alela, Eldraine alt commander

Alela’s first effect goes hand in hand with Tegwyll, providing a constant stream of new Faerie creatures, providing you’re playing reactively on other players’ turns. And you should have no problem whatsoever doing so in blue/black. If Alela is played in place of Tegwyll as the deck’s commander, her goad ability will lead to a more technical, social-focused game than Tegwyll’s power plays. 

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Wilds of Eldraine Commander Deck – Virtue and Valor spoilers

Commander – Ellivere of the Wild Court 

Ellivere, Eldraine MTG commander

Befitting the deck’s green/white identity, Ellivere is focused on buffing and swarming with multiple creatures. 

Roles will play a major part in the deck’s identity, and the prevalence of enchantments on creatures should lead to a huge amount of card draw for Ellivere. 

Alt Commander – Gylwain, Casting Director 

Gylwain, Casting Director, MTG Eldraine commander

The set’s alt commander is Gylwain, Casting Director. While Ellivere equips creatures with a singular Role and generates value from attacking, Gylwain is less aggressive but provides more flexibility through a wider variety of Roles. Gylwain does not interact with tokens, but he’ll ensure that your non-token creatures are modified in exactly the way you prefer.

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Eldraine Commander tokens

Wilds of Eldraine’s commander decks release on September 8 and are available for preorder now. 

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