MTG is returning to fan-favorite Ravnica in early 2024

Magic the Gathering Murder at Karlov Manor set with six guild members standing over the player.

MTG will be returning to the fan-favorite plane, Ravnica in an upcoming set in early 2024. 

In Magic: The Gathering, there are few planes more beloved than Ravnica. The magic-infused city is home to the guilds, all with their own distinct flavor and identity. It’s fun to think about where you lie and the guild you pledge your allegiance to. On top of that though, it’s also home to some of the most beloved sets in Magic’s history. 

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Unsurprisingly, Wizards of the Coast is eager to return. At their GenCon reveal panel, the MTG team revealed most of their slate for 2024. One of the first places we are headed is Ravnica. This will be the first time the game has returned to the plane since War of the Spark in 2019.

In Q1 of 2024, we will be getting two sets focused on Ravnica. The main set seems to be going smaller scale than the previous all-encompassing war, instead being focused on murder mysteries. The set will be called Murders at Karlov Manor and be focused on sleuthing and crime. 

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The set will see planeswalkers and players alike running around the titular manor, finding clues and cadavers in a very fun flavorful set. The art shown looks like a fun sojourn to the plane, less focused on the streets and more on one setting. 

Three figures runn atounf the MTG Murder at Karlov ManorCharacters like Kaya look like they are returning to Ravnica

That said, the guilds’ presence appears to very much be a part of this, as the art shown shows various members of guilds, looking almost Clue-like in a big whodunit theme. 

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On that, to go along with this, a version of Clue, the board game, will be made to capitalize on this vibe.

A return of the favorites

This is undoubtedly a very different vibe than we are used to on Ravnica. It seems like a fun setting, but some might be disappointed we aren’t getting another massive, city-spanning set exploring where the guilds are after the War of the Spark and invasion of the Phyrexians

Don’t worry though – for those classic lovers of Ravnica, there is something for you there too. Alongside Murder at Karlov Manor, Wizards will be releasing Ravnica Remastered. This will bring together a collection of the best and most beloved cards from all nine of the Ravnica-focused sets. 

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Similarly, Dominaria Remastered also landed last year and was well-liked. Wizards will be hoping to garner the same reception here.