MTG Commander Masters deck hit by harsh backlash over disappointing mana base

Art of the Sliver Gravemother from Magic the Gathering

MTG players are complaining about the land base in a Commander Masters pre-con deck, with many disappointed it doesn’t have better utility. 

Land in Magic: The Gathering is ever important. As it’s what allows you to cast spells, having the right mana base will make or break a deck. 

There’ve been various lands printed throughout MTG’s history, each with its own level of power. Some are objectively better than others. For example, a Grasslands has to enter tapped, and you have to wait a turn to find a Forest or Plains. Meanwhile, a Savannah comes into play untapped and has access to Forest or Plains mana from the off. 

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Of course, a tournament-legal Savannah could set you back $599. Meanwhile, a Grasslands only costs $0.35, but that’s the difference between a slow and a fast land. 

The topic of lands rose again as Wizards revealed the decklist of its pre-con Commander Masters deck, Sliver Swarm. The deck runs all five colors, meaning it has a diverse base to hit all the colors you need reliably. 

However, players are not happy with the lands included in the premium-priced deck. Many are criticizing its slow mana base as a real pain point.

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Players were hoping for better lands in Commander Masters precons

In a Reddit thread with 860 upvotes at the time of writing, players are calling the mana base offered in the Sliver Swarm pre-constructed deck “criminal”. The deck is priced more expensive than normal commander decks as Commander Masters is being treated as a premium set.

Grasslands art from Magic the Gathering

With the exception of a Command Tower, no land in the deck is worth more than $1 (according to MTG Goldfish). That’s because most of the multicolor lands are slower lands that come in tapped. 

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One Redditor commented on how cumbersome the deck will be, saying, “This is gonna be a slog to play out of the box with most of your lands entering tapped.”

Another added, “It’d be fine in a 40-dollar pre-con, but for an 80-dollar one you’d expect at least some lands worth more than a dollar.”

It’s important to note that the deck isn’t devoid of value. It has a lot of great pieces and, understandably, a ton of useful Slivers. In fact, based on singles value, the $80 deck is worth around $380, so there are great cards included. However, with such a slow base, there’s every chance you’ll be left behind by the three players around the table.

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