Monster Hunter Wilds’ SOS Flares can summon support NPCs to help with hunts

Monster Hunter Wilds lair environmentCapcom

Monster Hunter Wilds makes getting help on hunts easier with the addition of support NPCs to answer your SOS Flares.

Monster Hunter Wilds has had an explosive showing at Gamescom 2024. Our own hands-on time with the game has us incredibly excited for its release which looks to capitalize on the winning formula that Capcom has been honing since the PS2 era.

Thanks to an incredible new trailer and multiple developer streams, we’ve had a look at stunning new monsters and some of the reworks to the franchise’s famous weapons. In between the footage shown off, the devs behind Monster Hunter Wilds have also revealed a tonne of new inclusions to the series like the removal of gender-locks on armor.

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One new feature that has flown under the radar so far is the fact that SOS Flares will now call NPC Support Hunters if real players are ignoring your request. Reception to this change from fans of the franchise has been overwhelmingly positive.

Monster Hunter Wilds Support NPCsCapcom
Hopefully, the game has some compelling NPC characters to hunt with.

To get the scary part out of the way, Capcom has confirmed that the ability to have AI companions join your hunt is completely optional. “Settings can be customized to be either ‘player only’ or ‘support hunter’ only,” the developer explained. A mix of the two will be the default setting in the game.

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What this means is that the game can fill out your party to a full four regardless of whether or not other players decide to join your hunt. If you’ve played Monster Hunter World and sent up an SOS flare to no response, you’ll know how frustrating it can feel to not get the help you need.

Monster Hunter Wilds’ variant on SOS flares looks to reduce that frustration. Players have taken the news of this new mechanic well, with plenty coming forward to praise the decision in a Reddit thread discussing the feature.

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“Great addition, I was conflicted at first, but then I thought about all the people who have a hard time solo, nothing wrong with giving people options, as long as they are options,” one hunter allowed. “Oh hell yeah. I am all for this. Giving people options is only ever a good thing,” another replied.

Finally, hunters who aren’t farming Lightbreak gear from Raging Brachydios will have someone answer their calls for aid. Even if that someone isn’t technically a someone.

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