Monster Hunter Rise: New and returning monster list

Monster Hunter RiseCapcom

There are a total of 72 monsters in Monster Hunter Rise for you to test your might against, so find out everything you need to know about the game’s toothy terrors right here.

Monster Hunter Rise is finally out on PC and Capcom’s new beast-slaying game is the best entry yet. While Rise borrows elements from previous Monster Hunter titles, it features plenty of new content for fans to sink their teeth into.

From newly-discovered locales to the unique Wirebug and Wyvern Riding mechanics, there are certainly a lot of new mechanics and features to be excited about. 

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Just like every Monster Hunter game before it, Rise features a huge roster of creatures for players to hunt. In order to give you an edge over your beastly foes, we’ve covered every monster in Monster Hunter Rise.


Monster Hunter Rise new monster list


MH Rise MagnamaloCapcom
Magnamalo certainly looks terrifying.

Maganamalo is Monster Hunter Rise’s flagship beast and the one that exudes an aurora of darkness. It’s said that whenever this terrifying monster makes an appearance, the world will be plunged into chaos. When this fearsome beast devours its terrified victims, purple “Hellfire” flames begin to ooze from its mouth, claws, and tail.

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Not only does this make Magnamalo look even more intimidating, but it also further adds to this horned beast’s lethality. Despite its overall bulky build, Magnamalo is capable of unleashing some incredibly fast attacks. Expect plenty of mighty claw slams, fiery ranged attacks, and colossal gap closers. 

Goss Harag

MH Rise Goss HaragCapcom
Goss Harag fashions its own lethal blades.

Goss Harag stalks the snowy tundras of the Frost Islands in search of its prey. This cold-loving creature is known to fashion icy blades by freezing its own bodily fluids, emulating that of the hunters that dare to pursue it. While Goss Harag may be an unconventional blade master, its methodical sword swings can quickly sweep hunters off their feet. 

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Once the makeshift blade has shattered, Goss Harag will use its massive claws to swipe and claw away at its foes. It also has a number of ranged attacks in the form of a deadly ice beam, dagger throw, and AoE shockwave. 


MH Rise Somnacanth Capcom
Sleeping soundly isn’t an option when Somnacanth is around.

This swamp-dwelling creature may not look as imposing as the Maganamalo or Goss Harag, but it can make short work of those that underestimate it. Somnacanth is known to lurk in the murky waters of the Flooded Forest. While this aquatic serpent lacks the strength to face tougher foes head-on, it does have a crafty trick up its scaly sleeve. 

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When threatened, Somnacanth will expel sleep powder from an organ on its neck. After a few seconds, any creature hit will be sent straight to sleep. During this nightmarish nap, the Mermaid Wyvern will launch a deadly surprise attack. Expect plenty of uneasy dreams whenever Somnacanth is around.


MH Rise BishatenCapcom
We thought having one of your five a day was supposed to be healthy…

Bishaten is a mischievous trickster that enjoys toying with its prey. The omnivorous ape is known to store all kinds of fruits in its belly pouch, which it both eats and uses as a weapon. One of Bishaten’s most deadly attacks sees the ape take a yellow fruit from its pouch, which it then uses in an aerial attack that leaves the hunter inflicted with stun. 

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If the immobilizing effect from this attack wasn’t bad enough, Bishaten can also hurl out purple fruits that poison hunters. While its winged arms help it glide from tree to tree, the ape-like creature uses its tail to both bat fruit and slam its prey into the ground. You’ll need to focus on this monster’s tail if you wish to topple it over and break its head. 


MH Rise AknosomCapcom
Aknosom frills make for a rather thrilling hunt.

Aknosom uses its gigantic frill to ward off potential threats and smash its foes into the ground. When enraged, the Bird Wyvern will lower its head and charge down any hunters that happen to get in the way. One of Aknosom’s signature moves is its head slam, which sees the monster smash its beak into the ground in an attempt to skewer those beneath it. 

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Veteran hunters will also be pleased to know that Aknosom has an attack that is strikingly similar to that of Yian Kut-Ku’s. However, unlike Yian Kut-Ku’s fire-based move, Aknosom takes to the air and spits fireballs in a circle. 

Great Izuchi

MH Rise Great IzuchiCapcom
Great Izuchi may not be big, but its agility makes up for this.

Great Izuchi is incredibly similar to Monster Hunter’s other raptor-like Bird Wyverns. If you’ve ever taken down Great Jaggi, Wroggi, Baggi, and World’s Kulu-Ya-Ku, then you know exactly what to expect here. Great Izuchi roams around in packs with smaller Izuchi and will relentlessly hound their prey, tearing into their victims with their razor-sharp claws and jaws.  

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Despite its small size, this monster is capable of unleashing a quick flurry of tail-based attacks. Great Izuchi is also incredibly agile, often leaping back and forth between each attack. This can make it tricky to land those heavy-hitting attacks, so try to predict where it will land before queuing up those Great Sword hits. 


MH Rise TetranadonCapcom
Tetranadon uses its colossal weight to crush its foes.

Tetranadon quickly caught the eye of many a Monster Hunter. Not only does this gigantic amphibian look like it’s consumed every creature in the game, but it also has one of the most comedic designs. Despite this, the greedy glutton is capable of some truly horrifying things. After all, Tetranadon didn’t get his way by living off a vegetarian diet. 

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Instead, this mighty monster consumes its victims whole leaving no trail of life behind. It then uses its bloated stomach to crash its way into any hunters that dare disturb its feeding frenzy. While its attacks may be slow when compared to the other monsters in Rise, they do hit extremely hard.


MH Rise YatsukadakiCapcom
Arachnophobes may want to avoid this hunt entirely.

Rakna-Kadaki appears in Rise’s new volcanic region – Lava Caverns. The spider-like creature bombards hunters with sticky webs, immobilizing its victims before unleashing deadly fire beams and burning gas. If that wasn’t bad enough, Rakna-Kadaki also carries its offspring with it. 

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These smaller spiders are named “Rachnoid” and while they may look small, they help their mother catch and attack her prey. You’ll need to fend off both if you wish to avoid succumbing to a grizzly death. Expect plenty of web-based ranged attacks, fiery beams, and erratic movements when fighting this creepy critter. 


Almudron uses its tail to dissolve the very ground beneath its prey.

Almudron is known to inhabit the mountainous regions of Kamura, but the Rampage has forced it out of its home and into the Sandy Plains. This serpent-like creature uses its colossal tail to fling mud at its victims, barraging them until they can no longer move.

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Rise’s desert-dwelling wyvern can even melt the very ground beneath its prey, stopping them dead in their tracks before dragging them into the muddy depths below. Almudron also covers itself in this muddy ooze to help defend itself from hunters’ attacks.

Wind Serpent Ibushi

Wind Serpent IbushiCapcom
Wind Serpent Ibushi is one of the new Elder Dragons introduced in Monster Hunter Rise.

Wind Serpent Ibushi not only looks absolutely terrifying, but it is also capable of some truly devastating damage. Unlike other gigantic dragons, this Elder Dragon can float through the air without using wings. Instead, it uses a special gas that it emits from its body in order to freely move around the skies.

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Ibushi can tear the very rocks from the ground and raise great kingdoms to the ground with its deadly dragon-based attacks. If you happen to get in the way of its energy beams, then you can kiss your health bar goodbye.

Thunder Serpent Narwa

Monster Hunter Rise Thunder Serpent NarwaCapcom
Thunder Serpent Narwa is at the top of the food chain in Rise.

As the name suggests, Thunder Serpent Narwa is tied to Wind Serpent Ibushi. In fact, this terrifying twosome are both the king and queen of the skies (sorry Rathian and Rathalos). Unlike Ibushi, Wind Serpent Narwa uses the Thunder element to wreak havoc.

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The Thunder God Dragon is capable of carting even the most skilled hunters with its deadly electrical attacks, which it unleashes onto its victims below. Teamwork and preparation are key if you wish to take this deadly Elder Dragon down.

Crimson Glow Valstrax

Crimson Glow ValstraxCapcom
Crimson Glow Valstrax is a new variant that was added to Monster Hunter Rise.

Crimson Glow Valstrax is a new variant of the same Elder Dragon that first appeared in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. This lightning-fast beat uses its jet-like wings to propel itself through the air, reaching incredibly high speeds.

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If Crimson Valstrax’s overall speed wasn’t terrifying enough, the Sky Comet Dragon can also use its colossal wings to stab and unleash high-damage Dragon element attacks that can kill even the tankiest of hunters. When Valstrax takes to the skies, you’ll want to ensure you stay well away when it hurtles towards the ground.

All Apex monsters in Monster Hunter Rise

There are a total of six Apex monsters in Monster Hunter Rise. Apex Monsters may look strikingly similar to their normal counterparts, but these ferocious beasts are capable of dishing out some incredible damage.

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Not only are they much stronger than ordinary monsters, but they also have new moves that can send even the best hunters back to camp.

While Apex monsters can be primarily found in Rise’s various Rampage quests, the latest title update enables hunters to fight them as part of ordinary expeditions. This means you’ll finally be able to farm Apex materials without having to play Rise’s time-consuming horde mode.

All of Monster Hunter Rise’s Apex monsters can be found below:

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  • Apex Arzuros
  • Apex Diablos
  • Apex Mizutsune
  • Apex Rathalos
  • Apex Rathian
  • Apex Zinogre

All returning monsters in Monster Hunter Rise 

MH Rise MizutsuneCapcom
Mizutsune is one of the many fan-favorites that’s stomping its way into Rise.

Monster Hunter Rise features 50 returning monsters, which means veteran hunters will be able to slay some of their favorite beasts from across the series. 

Rise’s roster wouldn’t be complete without featuring a few familiar faces. In fact, Monster Hunter Rise is home to creatures from nearly every generation. If that wasn’t exciting enough, a lot of these returning monsters have new moves that will give even veteran hunters a surprise. 

Returning Monsters list

Here are all of the returning monsters that are present in Monster Hunter Rise: 

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  1. Anjanath
  2. Arzuros 
  3. Barroth
  4. Barioth 
  5. Basarios
  6. Bazelgeuse
  7. Chameleos
  8. Diablos
  9. Great Baggi 
  10. Great Wroggi
  11. Jyuratodus
  12. Kulu-Ya-Ku
  13. Kushala Daora
  14. Khezu 
  15. Lagombi 
  16. Mizutsune 
  17. Nargacuga
  18. Pukei-Pukei
  19. Rathalos 
  20. Rathian
  21. Rajang
  22. Royal Ludroth 
  23. Teostra
  24. Tigrex 
  25. Tobi-Kadachi
  26. Volvidon
  27. Zinogre

Monster Hunter Rise’s roster will expand as and when the game’s next DLC comes out. After all, there are still a lot of creatures we’ve yet to see.

All small monsters in Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Rise Great IzuchiCapcom
Great Izuchi is one monster who uses its smaller counterparts in battle.

Monster Hunter Rise features a grand total of 26 Small monsters, which includes both returning and new additions. While these creatures may not be as big or as lethal as their larger counterparts, you’ll still need materials from them when crafting Monster Hunter Rise’s weapons and armor.

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You can see every small monster in Monster Hunter rise below:

  • Altaroth
  • Anteka
  • Baggi
  • Bnahabra
  • Bombadgy
  • Bullfango
  • Delex
  • Felyne
  • Gajau
  • Gargwa
  • Izuchi
  • Jaggi
  • Jaggia
  • Jagras
  • Kelbi
  • Kestodon
  • Ludroth
  • Melynx
  • Popo
  • Rachnoid
  • Remobra
  • Rhenoplos
  • Slagtoth
  • Wroggi
  • Uroktor
  • Zamite

So, there you have it, that’s every monster you can hunt in Monster Hunter Rise. Make sure you check our Monster Hunter page for all the latest news and content updates.