Mass Effect-style board game Rogue Angels soars past funding goals with a few days to go

Mass Effect Style board game rogue angels battle in spaceSun Tzu Games

Mass Effect has been on the ropes for some time, and the Rogue Angels board game might be just the thing it needs to regain some focus and fan love.

Fans of Bioware’s epic space opera Mass Effect have been left in limbo for some time, waiting patiently for a new entry. Whether the series builds on the worlds and stories set up by Andromeda or fully pivots back to focusing on Shepard and co, players will have to wait until after Dragon Age: Dreadwolf to see what the future holds for Mass Effect.

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Fortunately, there’s a shining light of hope to be found in the bleak blackness of space. Rogue Angels is a board game Kickstarter that has secured its funding goals and is racing through stretch goals as we speak. Rogue Angels is being touted as a faithful board game homage to Mass Effect, and might just be the closest fans will get to experiencing Mass Effect in the tabletop space.

Rogue Angels brings sci-fi action to the tabletop

Mass Effect Style board game rogue angels Squad against imposing oddsSun Tzu Games

Designed by Emil Larson of Sun Tzu games, Rogue Angels’ ultimate aim is ‘captivating players who seek a challenging and rewarding sci-fi dungeon crawler’. The game’s co-op action is suitable for 1-4 players and features a blend of dice and card-based combat. Rogue Angels will foreground tough choices and gripping tactical combat and is intended to be accessible for all players without losing out on mechanical complexity.

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Rogue Angels aims for Mass Effect’s beloved character-building

Sci-fi player charactersSun Tzu Games

Thrilling space-set action is all well and good, but mindless sci-fi shooters are a dime a dozen, and Rogue Angels has loftier aims in mind than simply running and gunning.

With a purported 1000+ pages of branching missions, Rogue Angels is leaning into the recent boom in legacy play that tabletop games are experiencing. The game will carry your crew’s experiences and narrative from battle to battle, slowly shaping them into a cast worth remembering.

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As any Mass Effect fan will tell you, while the series’ combat may be thrilling, the game’s real heart is in its characters. From Garrus to EDI, gamers fell in love with the crew of the Normandy and their camaraderie. In truly emulating Mass Effect, Rogue Angels will also feature a deep focus on characters and their evolving relationships. Coupled with a deep narrative and an extensive breadth of worldbuilding, Rogue Angels should have something to satisfy almost any prospective player.

With only a few short days left on its Kickstarter campaign – which you can find here – it’s worth checking out Rogue Angels as soon as possible and seeing if you want to hitch a ride out to the stars.

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