Joe Rogan says grinding games is “a waste of time” for most people

Joe Rogan talkingYT: JRE

Joe Rogan, the immensely popular comedian and podcast host, described video games as a “waste of time” for most people, during his episode with author, fitness guru and businessman Joe De Sena.

There are few podcasts in the world as listened to as Joe Rogan’s Experience. The MMA commentator and stand up comedian has cultivated a global audience through his JRE podcast.

One topic that arises frequently on the show is gaming, with Rogan himself having previously been an avid gamer, but also sharing cautionary tales of his own trouble with the hobby. He expanded on his view in his latest show with author and founder of Spartan Race, Joe De Sena.

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Rogan on the Joe Rogan Experience showJRE Clips
The Joe Rogan Experience podcast has over 8.3 million subscribers on YouTube.

“Video games are a real problem,” Rogan said. “They’re a real problem. You know why? Because they’re f**king fun. You do them, and they’re real exciting, but you don’t get anywhere.”

Rogan contrasted video games with Jujitsu, and stated that someone who put significant effort into running a martial arts school would likely be experiencing success after 3 years of grinding.

In episode 1514 of JRE, He argued that someone who grinds video games for the same amount of time is still unlikely to be earning money from that particular pursuit.

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Topic starts at 45:10

“You [could be] doing something exciting and fun, or you could just be playing f**king video games,” he continued. “Three years later you could just be that same kid, playing video games, waiting for the next whatever the f**k game is… You’re gonna waste your time.”

He accepted that there are similar issues around stand up comedy, and that his successful comedy career was actually in defiance of the odds. Regardless, he continued to criticize those that grind video games, when there is a very slim chance that they are able to make a long career out of it.

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“There are kids that make a lot of f**king money playing video games,” he finished. “But you have to be adaptable, you have to able to play multiple video games. Because the one game you get really good at, what are the odds it’ll be around in 5 years time?”

Rogan’s concern is certainly one shared by parents across the world, some of whom are skeptical about the long term viability of video games as a career.

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However, there will also be plenty who disagree with Rogan and believe that, even if simply being played for enjoyment, video games can tell stories in a way nothing else can. There is also evidence of positive effects on cognition, problem-solving, and even eyesight among frequent gamers.