Hungrybox freaks out over Smash Ultimate player dressed as Among Us Impostor

A Super Smash Bros Ultimate competitor at MomoCon 2022 dressed as an Impostor from Among Us leading commentator Hungrybox to question whether what he was seeing was actually real.

MomoCon is an annual convention held in Atlanta, Georgia, where fans of anime, gaming, comics, and more come together to celebrate their culture. The event first started in 2005 and had been held each year until 2020.

After a two-year hiatus, MomoCon would be back in full force from May 26 – 29, 2022. This would also include an in-person Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament commentated by caster Arath and pro-player Hungrybox.

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While they expected to see some high-level play from the competitors, they didn’t expect one of the matches to be so ‘sus’.

impostor at smash momocon tourneyMomoCon (Twitch)
An Among Us Impostor competed against Lose-Lose at MomoCon 2022

Hungrybox loses it over ‘sus’ player

During the second day of MomoCon, Arath and Hungrybox prepared to commentate during the Smash Bros tournament. And at the start of one of the rounds, a player dressed as an Impostor from Among Us took the stage baffling both casters.

Hungrybox and Arath jumped to their feet to get a better look at the Impostor. Arath erupted in laughter as Hungrybox repeatedly shouted “what!” unable to collect his thoughts.

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“When they mentioned it was gonna be sus, I did not expect this,” stated Arath.

“I have never seen this in my life,” Hungrybox expressed, finally being able to put together a full sentence, “Is this real?”

While the Impostor may have caught the casters off guard, he didn’t phase his opponent. The Impostor, also known as Forte, was quickly defeated by his opponent lose-lose.

Despite being ejected from the tournament so soon, Forte left a lasting impression on Hungrybox as his commentary across both matches and beyond was focused on the Impostor.

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