How to unlock all four Flex Slots in Deadlock

Deadlock shopValve

While playing Deadlock you may have noticed the existence of Flex Slots, something the game doesn’t exactly tell you about. With no real explanation of what it is, we’re here to help you out and explain how to unlock them.

With Valve finally acknowledging Deadlock, the game is building some serious hype as the hero shooter MOBA steadily climbs through the Steam rankings while in closed Alpha.

However, to the lucky players with access to the game, you’ve likely come to realize it’s a very complicated game with a lot of mechanics and details that aren’t fully explained to you. Be it the mid-boss rejuvenator or Flex Slots.

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To that end, we’ll explain what exactly Flex Slots are and how you can unlock them in a game.

What are Flex Slots in Deadlock?

Flex Slots are extra item slots that you can use to put in any class of items you want.

There are four slots you can unlock in a game, and you can put either a Weapon, Vitality, or Spirit item in it to add even more buffs for those categories.

Deadlock Item SlotsValve
There are four extra Flex Slots to the right of the other item slots

This means if you need extra damage, or some more sustain, you can easily buy more items which will buff your stats and give you an edge against opponents.

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The only restriction you have with Flex slots is with active items. Since you can only have four active items at once, if your active slots are already filled, you cannot get more of that particular category.

How to unlock all four Flex Slots in Deadlock

Each of the four Flex Slots has unique conditions to unlock it. So here are all of them:

  • Slot 1: Unlocked after your team destroys two enemy Walkers
  • Slot 2: Unlocked after your team destroys all enemy Walkers
  • Slot 3: Unlocked after your team destroys all enemy Lane Guardians
  • Slot 4: Unlocked after your team destroys an enemy Shrine

Slot 3 used to be unlockable by destroying a set of enemy Base Guardians, but now you will need to destroy all of the enemy’s Lane Guardians.

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Slot 1 used to be unlockable by killing one enemy Walker, now you’ll need to kill at least two.

It should be noted that if only one person manages to do one of the objectives, it will unlock for the entire team. So, this is an incentive to help out your teammates so you can get Flex Slots faster.

Deadlock WalkerValve
Taking down a Walker will net your team a Flex Slot

If you want to min-max unlocking them, you’ll want to destroy two enemy Walkers first. So, if a teammate’s lane has just destroyed a Tower, it’s best to rotate and help them out to take down the Walker as fast as possible.

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Afterward, it’s a good idea to start rotating and start helping other teammates to destroy their Lane Guardians so you can get a second slot.

Depending on where you’re at in the match, killing all of the enemy’s Walkers could be easier than a Shrine, so you’ll need to choose which objective is easier to do.

As you can probably tell, all these objectives are essentially mid to late game things to do, but don’t forget that around this time the mid-boss spawns, so don’t get too caught up in getting all the flex slots.

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