How to get Nitain Extract in Warframe

warframe gameplayDigital Extremes

Nitain Extract stands out as one of the most elusive resources in Warframe, critical for crafting an array of equipment. Unlike more common resources scattered throughout the star chart, obtaining Nitain Extract involves specific actions and participation in unique game activities. This guide dives into the various avenues for acquiring it.

Nitain Extract’s rarity and the specific methods required to acquire it can make it a bottleneck for players looking to craft certain items. 

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Navigating the game‘s activities to find Nitain Extract can be daunting due to its unique acquisition methods. However, with the right approach and knowledge of where to look, gathering this sought-after resource can become manageable. 

Let’s explore how to get Nitain Extract in Warframe and make the most of your crafting endeavors.

Warframe Gram PrimeDigital Extremes, Panic Button Games
Nitian Extract is among the rarest resources in Warframe.

How to get Nitain Extract in Warframe

There are many ways you can acquire Nitain Extract in Warframe, including the ones mentioned below: 

Participate in Nightwave Intermissions and Seasons

The most reliable source of Nitain Extract is through participation in Nightwave, the game’s seasonal event system. Completing Nightwave challenges earns you credits that can be exchanged for Nitain Extract, among other valuable rewards in the Nightwave store. Regularly engaging with these challenges is key to building a steady supply of Nitain Extract.

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Keep an Eye on Gift of the Lotus Alerts

After special developer livestreams, Warframe often releases Gift of the Lotus alerts, limited-time missions that occasionally reward players with Nitain Extract. Staying alert to these opportunities is a simple yet effective way to acquire the resource.

Explore Resource Caches

In select high-level missions, particularly Orokin Sabotage, Nitain Extract can sometimes be found as a reward for locating and opening all resource caches within the mission. While not as reliable as Nightwave, it offers a chance to obtain Nitain Extract alongside other mission objectives.

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Sabotage Missions and Caches

Sabotage missions, especially those set in the Orokin Void, occasionally contain Nitain Extract within the secret caches found throughout the mission. Engaging in these missions with a keen eye for caches can sporadically bolster your Nitain Extract reserves.

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