How to get fight money in Street Fighter 5 & what to spend it on

Ryu and Ken in Street Fighter 5Capcom

Costumes, new characters, stages – almost everything in Street Fighter has a price. Here, we’ll show you how to get more fight money in Street Fighter 5 (FM) and what you can spend it on. 

When you don’t have to spend real-world money to acquire virtual goods, that’s a win for many players.

In the world of Street Fighter 5, Capcom offers players can a way to save a ton of their hard-earned cash by playing SF5 and earning fight money. With fight money, SF5’s in-game money, Street Fighter 5 players will be allowed to spend it at the in-game shop and acquire a ton of unlockables.

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To get you started on your path to unlocking (almost) everything in the game, let’s run through everything you need to know about fight money.


Street Fighter 5’s roster Capcom
You could buy new characters and costumes with fight money

How to earn fight money in Street Fighter 5

Players can earn fight money with online fights, extra battles, special battles.

Through online battles, Street Fighter 5 players will be able to earn 50 FM per victory and will be able to wage their FM during extra battles.

Special battles are interesting because they are more on the challenging side. You’ll be tasked with facing an extremely capable CPU, but you’ll be rewarded with an incredible amount of FM if you win. So it’s worth the hassle.

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Ryu and Sagat in new Street Fighter 5Capcom
You, too, could be as drippy as Ryu and Sagat through the use of fight money

What can you buy with fight money in Street Fighter 5

Street Fighter offers ten possible categories that players can spend their FM on:

  • Stage-70,000 FM
  • Characters-100,000 FM
  • Stage Variation-40, 000 FM
  • Story Mode Costume-40,000 FM
  • Profile Title and Design-5,000 FM
  • Costume Color-2,000-10,000 FM
  • Fighting Chance (Street Fighter’s loot box)-500 FM for one ticket, 4,500 for ten tickets

By acquiring FM, you’ll save money and get the most out of your copy of SF5. Street Fighter 5 is a content-heavy game, and through hard work and much dedication, you’ll be able to reap all the rewards.

Or you can just buy everything with your credit card. Your call.