Founder of No Man’s Sky teases fans about Light No Fire hype

Sean Murray Light No FireWikimedia Commons / Hello Games

Sean Murray, founder of Hello Games, joked on social media about “over-hyping” his upcoming game Light No Fire.

No Man’s Sky, which was developed by HelloGames, was released in 2016. It was one of the most hyped games of the decade before it was released, however, players were soon disappointed as they felt it fell short of its promises, which had included multiplayer, engaging planets, and random encounters.

After players felt disappointed and betrayed by the “overhyped” No Man’s Sky release, some people started a harassment campaign that targeted the studio.

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However, the developers continued to work hard to implement changes to the game, and a few years down the line, players eventually fell in love with the game and felt that it “over-delivered” on the promises made. No Man’s Sky was even nominated for Best Ongoing Game in 2020 at the Game Awards

Now, Sean Murray light-heartedly teased and joked on his social media account about hyping up the new game Light No Fire that the studio is working on, and people loved it.

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No Man’s Sky founder Sean Murray jokes with fans

Sean Murray posted a meme in comic book style to his Twitter/X account, teasing fans about hyping up a new game release.

After Sean Murray received so much hate from fans after No Man’s Sky’s initial release, fans applauded his light-hearted jokes about the new game.

“LOL you know you’re taking this joke well. Good on ya; I’m interested in this next project even more now lol,” one fan said.

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Other players, given Hello Games’ history of significantly improving their games with consistent and meaningful patches, had faith in the company for the upcoming release.

“This game is something that I will surely try and given the progress you made with NMS which I enjoy even today I trust that the release of this one would be better. Good luck!” Another person said.

Only time will tell whether players will love the “big chonky dragons” and “tiny evil skeletons” Sean Murray joked about, but in the meantime, others have been loving another game that made a comeback, Cyberpunk 2077 which released its exciting 2.1 update.

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