FaZe Clan to announce FaZe5 winners before 2021: finalists & reveal dates

FaZe Clan

FaZe Clan’s ‘FaZe 5’ recruitment challenge is nearing its end, which means we’ll be finding out which five content creators have joined the prestigious organization for 2021 and beyond.

Ever since starting out life as a sniping clan, FaZe Clan has become one of, if not the premier collectives for content creators. Their roots are in Call of Duty but they span out to everything – vlogs, streams, and even movies in the future. A few months ago, they launched another running of their “FaZe 5” challenge for 2020 to recruit even more creators.

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At the end of November, FaZe Clan had whittled their pool of new prospects down to just 20, and now the org is finally ready to announce the final five who made the grade. Read on below for the finalists, some predictions, and how to keep up with the big reveal.

How to watch FaZe 5 2020

The lucky gamers who will be FaZe’s newest members won’t find out they won all at once. Instead, the org will be announcing one winner per day starting December 27 and ending on the 31st.

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Each announcement will also be happening at the same time — 12 PM PST / 3 PM EST — so be sure to keep an eye on FaZe’s Twitter to find out who will be the newest members of the org for 2021.

FaZe 5 2020 finalists and favorites

Here are the top-2o finalists of this year’s FaZe 5 recruitment challenge. Since this list was unveiled, there have been a few more challenges that will determine which five get picked to be the winners.

FaZe Clan's top-20 FaZe 5 finalists.FaZe Clan
All 20 finalists for FaZe Clan’s 2020 FaZe5 recruitment challenge.
  1. Proze – 22 years old
  2. HunterTV – 20
  3. Conrady – 20
  4. Zenon – 9
  5. Lough – 14
  6. Zogoro – 22
  7. Cannaestia – 35
  8. K1ng – 14
  9. Montoya Twinz – 20
  10. Scope – 21
  11. RowdyRogan – 6
  12. Flea – 22
  13. Faxuty – 22
  14. NioRooch – 20
  15. Virus – 22
  16. Grant the Goat – 17
  17. Milliam – 15
  18. Stevie – 19
  19. Cufboys – 22
  20. Absorber – 17

As for who we think will make it, First off, Stevie and Flea have become two of the most popular candidates among fans, and NioRooch is also up there as well. RowdyRogan, the 6-year-old Warzone phenom is also in the running, so don’t be surprised if he ends up making the cut as well.

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Either way, not much time is left until everyone will find out. It will definitely be exciting to watch, now just imagine how all of the candidates must feel!