Fans are having too much fun with Street Fighter 6’s character creator

tyakabou | Twitter/Rooflemonger | Twitter

The Street Fighter 6 beta is here, and players have been pushing the character creator to its absolute limit in an effort to make the wackiest characters they possibly can.

Street Fighter 6 has put a lot of effort into making their game a little more social. Players can interact with each other outside of just trading blows. As such, a character creator has been added to give fans a way to express themselves and customize their look.

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The Street Fighter twitter account put out a tweet saying that players would get access to character creation in the closed beta test.

While the large suite of customization options gives players a near-infinite set of possibilities, some of those possibilities are a little frightening.

Some players are coming up with horrifyingly goofy characters that have strange, incredibly unrealistic proportions.

Street Fighter 6’s character creator is a little too good

Early footage of the Street Fighter 6 beta has been filled with whatever horrors creative SF6 players can brew up running around lobbies.

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Lobby emotes allow players to perform some of the most iconic moves from Street Fighter, and seeing player-created characters running around and tossing Hadoukens at will is certainly a sight to behold.

Not to mention, this is a worldwide phenomenon. Japan’s been getting just as crazy as the US has, and beta players are really getting the most out of character creation. With how many options there are, there’s pretty much nothing that’s off the table when it comes to player created characters.

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On one hand, having a ton of options for creating your own online avatar is great. On the other, seeing such bizarre characters running around can be a bit immersion breaking.

Either way, Street Fighter 6’s new social features are exciting for those looking for more ways to interact with their friends and opponents online.