Every Karakuri in Wild Hearts to know: All abilities explained & how to unlock them

Koei Tecmo

In Wild Hearts, its building mechanics are based on your Karakuri abilities, and this is your guide on what each of them does, and how to unlock them all. 

Wild Hearts is unique in the monster-hunting genre of games in that it allows the players to build structures to either aid them in battle against Kemonos or traverse the map more efficiently. 

There are a total of three types of Karakuri to unlock: Basic, fusion, and dragon, and we will explain the uses for each of them and a guide to all the Karakuri you can build, what they do, and how to unlock them.

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Basic Karakuri

Basic Karakuri’s are abilities that let you build structures that grants you either access to hard-to-reach places in maps or an advantage for fights. It tends to be destroyed after construction or one hit from Kemonos. It costs Karakuri Thread to build.

To obtain Thread, it can be mined across the map. You can find thread rocks by enabling Hunters Vision.


Koei Tecmo
A Crate in Wild Hearts

This is the first, and most basic Karakuri you will use throughout your playthrough. The crates are stackable, with a mac stack of three. It can be either used to climb up a wall or to get a height advantage for an air attack against a Kemono. 

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It costs one Karakuri Thread to create, and can be destroyed in one hit from a Kemono.

It is unlocked in the tutorial.

Bounce Pad

Koei Tecmo
A Bounce Pad in Wild Hearts

The bounce pad gives you an instant horizontal bounce. It can be used to lunge at a Kemono for an attack, or to traverse the map. 

It costs two Karakuri Thread to create, and it can be destroyed in one hit from a Kemono. 

It is unlocked when you defeat a Ragetail in the story. 

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Koei Tecmo
A Torch in Wild Hearts

The torch can either be used to light up dark areas of the map, or to temporarily put the player’s weapon on fire to add extra damage to any attack.

It costs one Karakuri Thread to create, and it can be destroyed in one hit from a Kemono. 

It is unlocked by defeating A Kingtusk in the story.


Koei Tecmo
A Glider in Wild Hearts

This is a handheld glider that lifts the player a little before a fully granting a controlled descent. It is recommended to jump off a high point on the map, like a cliff, when using the glider as it can take you very far. 

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It costs three Karakuri Thread to create, and it destroys itself upon landing if not picked up again. 

It is unlocked after defeating a Spineglider in the story. 


A platform that fires a grapple hook in front of it, sticking into whatever it is facing. It will provide a platform to grab on either the side of a wall or a monster. 

It costs two Karakuri Thread to create, and can be destroyed in one hit from a Kemono. 

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It can be unlocked by purchasing it with Kemono Orbs from the Karakuri Menu. 

Celestial Anchor

Koei Tecmo
A Celestial Anchor in Wild Hearts

This is an anchor which is stuck on the ground which allows you to tether onto it and swing around it to close the gap between you and a Kemono, and allows you to perform aerial attacks. 

It costs three Karakuri Thread to create, and is destroyed either in one hit from a Kemono or after four redirects on the anchor. 

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It can be unlocked by purchasing it with Kemono Orbs from the Karakuri Menu. 

Dragon Karakuri

Dragon Karakuri are abilities that allow you to either traverse the land in a more efficient manner or help you in your Kemono hunts by finding monsters or learning new attack moves. They are generally rarely used in combat.

This includes camps, fireplaces, forges, training dummies, drying racks for meat, etc.

It can automatically rebuild itself with no extra costs, but it will take Dragon Pit Resources to create them. 

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Dragon Pits are generally strewn across the world, marked on the map by an icon. You can unblock the pits with different materials you can get in the world, with in turn gives the player resources which they can put into gaining Dragon Karakuris. 

The five resources are

  • Leaf 
  • Fire
  • Water
  • Wind
  • Earth

Each Pit has different stages which need to be unlocked, and each stage will give you resources you can gain. But not every Pit is made equally, as Pits in different regions may only give a certain resource type.

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There are almost too many variants of different Dragon Karakuris to list in the guide, so instead of listing almost all 30 of them, we will list the most important ones you should unlock. 

Flying Vine

Koei Tecmo
A Flying Vine in Wild Hearts

The Flying Vine is a zipline you can summon to help you traverse the map. It allows you to shoot a zipline across a great distance, allowing you to traverse a great distance in a quick fashion. 

It can be unlocked by purchasing it with resources at a Dragon Pit. 

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Koei Tecmo
A Roller in Wild Hearts

A roller is a vehicle that allows you to travel through the map in a large distance on the ground. It is essentially an oddly futuristic motorcycle out of a sci-fi film made out of wood. It is the best way to traverse through the land if you aren’t on a cliff to zipline from place to place. 

It can be unlocked by purchasing it with resources at a Dragon Pit. 

Hunting Tower

Koei Tecmo
A Hunting Tower in Wild Hearts

This is the most important Karakuri to build when hunting. The Hunting Tower allows you to scout out specific Kemonos you are hunting on your map. Easily guiding you to your prey without the hassle of playing hide and seek with it. 

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It can be unlocked by purchasing it with resources at a Dragon Pit.

Paddle Scoop

Koei Tecmo
A Paddle Scoop in Wild Hearts

A Paddle Scoop is a scoop that can be placed in a body of water to automatically catch fish while you are away. Gathering fish is useful as it is one of the best foods to eat before a hunt, giving extra damage and health. But it has a max storage capacity, so make sure you empty it out regularly. 

It can be unlocked by purchasing it with resources at a Dragon Pit.

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Upon landing in a new area, it is wise to build a campfire as it allows you to start hunts in the area when outside of the story or to join open hunt sessions with other online players. Generally, it is already built when you enter a new area in the story, but if it isn’t you should build one. 

It can be unlocked by purchasing it with resources at a Dragon Pit.

Fusion Karakuri

Fusion Karakuri’s are abilities that actively aids you in your hunts against Kemonos. It is essentially a more complex version of Basic Karakuris which helps either damage monsters. It costs Karakuri Thread to build. 

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To unlock it, it requires a “Flash of Inspiration” during a fight. It can be triggered if you meet the following requirements:

  • Have the right Basic Karakuri equipped to build the new Fusion
  • On a hunt of a specific Kemono
  • The Kemono uses a specific move
  • The player has enough Thread to build the Fusion. 

When a Flash of Inspiration triggers, there will be a button prompt to enable it, and time will slow in the game where you have to build Basic Karakuri using button prompts that appear on screen. The end result is a fusion of the Basic structures which forms something more complex that actively aids you in hunts. 

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In the Karakuri menu, there is a Fusions tab where you can see all the different Karakuris you can unlock. It shows you what Basic Karakuri you need to bring along and what Kemono you need to hunt to trigger inspiration. 

But if it does not show what Kemono to hunt, it means you have not encountered it just yet. 

Unfortunately, there are too many different Fusion Karakuri to list in the guide, but these are the most useful ones you can unlock. 

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Koei Tecmo
A Bulwark in Wild Hearts

The Bulwark is a defensive structure that can be used to counter charge attacks or to block a Kemono attack. When a Kemono is struck by the Bulwark, it damages and incapacitates it for a few seconds, enough time to land some damage into it. 

A Bulwark can be unlocked during your first fight against a Kingtusk and you will need crates equipped.


Koei Tecmo
A Pounder in Wild Hearts

The Pounder that deals a large amount of damage and stun if a Kemono is struck by it. It can be destroyed in one hit by a Kemono. 

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The Pounder can be unlocked during your first fight against a Spineglider and you will need bounce pads equipped.

Star Bomb

Koei Tecmo
A Star Bomb in Wild Hearts

A Star Bomb is a big bomb which deals a large amount of AOE attack to any Kemono in its vicinity. When triggered, it will take some time to explode, but if attacked it will explode immediately. But if you or your fellow hunters are standing too close to it, you can be sent flying. 

The Star Bomb can be unlocked during your first fight against a Kemono much later into the game, and you will need Bounce Pads and a Torch equipped.

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