Dungeons & Dragons fans concerned One D&D will spell disaster for custom content

Ted from Nerd ImmersionYouTube: Nerd Immersion

Dungeons & Dragons fans and content creators are growing increasingly worried that One D&D will “cut out” 3rd party content and support.

Nerd Immersion collaborated with a bunch of not named content creators, fans, and insiders of the Dungeons & Dragons franchise to create a document outlining concerns they have with One D&D, and the future of their favorite hobby.

According to their findings, and based on their understanding of the D&D brand and its owners/developers Wizards of the Coast, they came to a pretty grim conclusion.

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“More than likely the open gaming license that we have, that allows people to create third-party content for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons, will likely be altered or completely removed,” states Ted from Nerd Immersion in the video where he goes over said document.

D&D fans shocked by possible “death” of custom content

Some of the statements Wizards of the Coast made are “enough to reasonably suspect that Wizards is at least strongly expecting to introduce changes, read: anti-creator documentation to One DnD”, further recites Nerd Immersion from the document the community put together.

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This potentially could hurt people trying to create custom content for One D&D, which will be the dominant rulebook and format going into the future.

Or worse, it could even threaten content creators discussing custom content that is not officially supported, according to the YouTuber.

Timestamp: 7:40 – 15:38

For those not familiar with Dungeons & Dragons, the custom content is the main draw for a lot of people. So much so that entire careers were made on it. Keith Baker made a killing on his custom campaigns such as “Chronicles of Eberron”.

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“Imagine if Bethesda was like ‘Skyrim won’t support mods anymore’,” comments one fan under the video, perfectly encapsulating what it would feel like if Wizards announced limited customization for One D&D.

“The only reason I went with 5e was because of the amount 3rd party content and support due to 5e popularity,” shares another user about their D&D experience. “If they cut out that, there is no reason for me to go for ONE D&D.”

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But as Ted noted, this would be the “worst-case scenario” and fans are hopeful Wizards of the Coast does not go down that road. It could even potentially hurt their franchising attempts and tank interest in the movie based on Dungeons & Dragons that they are cooking up.