Dragon’s Dogma 2 runs ended by game-ruining Dragonsplague mechanic

Dragon's Dogma 2 DragonsplagueCapcom

Dragon’s Dogma 2 players are seeing entire cities functionally destroyed thanks to Dragonsplague.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is exploding in popularity despite initial controversies around some questionable – if not inconsequential – microtransactions. It’s already the most successful PC launch that Capcom has had.

However, the Dragonsplague inflicting pawns may derail that as players come to grips with a mechanic that can wipe out large swathes of NPCs. Some Arisen are reporting that their pawns have wiped out entire cities and permanently cut off questlines.

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Dragonsplague sees pawns lose control of themselves and turn into a sickly-looking dragon upon resting at an in. Dragon’s Dogma 2 players are waking to find the populations of settlements decimated and it’s being criticized as a “horrible idea”.

One player had the early-game settlement of Melve re-destroyed by a dragon thanks to Dragonsplague. “I had no inkling at all that they had caught it,” they explained. “No voice lines, no comments of staying away from them, no glowing red eyes. My save is now just f**ked because of this mechanic.”

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Another player reported that one of their afflicted Pawns had annihilated “99% of Vernworth”, the capital city of Vermund and one of Dragon’s Dogma 2’s major hubs. This included quest-givers and merchants. They called Dragonsplague “hands down the worst mechanic I’ve ever had in a videogame”.

The illness can be passed to other Pawns in your party including your Main Pawn. While there aren’t any indicators you can see when hiring pawns in the Rift, there are signs that reveal Dragonsplague once they’re in your party.

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Another player posted a helpful video that showed these signs off so that players had some fair warning. It appears those with Dragonsplague will have their eyes flicker and change color as well as occasionally holding their head in pain.

Mercifully, there is a way to cure Dragonsplague so if you have the time and you’re feeling charitable, you can rid them of the ailment before sending them back to the Rift for unsuspecting Arisen.

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Simply have a monster kill the afflicted Pawn and do not revive them, and they’ll be cured of the illness. Keep in mind that this may give them more time to infect your own Pawn.