Dragon’s Dogma 2 player discovers handy hidden time feature

Dragons Dogma 2Capcom

One Dragon’s Dogma 2 player revealed a handy time feature, a clock that is neatly hidden by the developers in the pause menu.

Capcom’s single-player sequel Dragons Dogma 2 has already been a hit with players, despite having some controversial performance issues, with a peak of over 200,000 concurrent players.

The game rewards player ingenuity, and the extremely well-coded pawn companions allow for impressive strategising: like one player who used the pawn-catching mechanic to navigate a treacherous path.

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Still, sometimes the most useful game tips and tricks can lie right beneath player’s noses, and not require any skill at all, like the hidden time feature included by the Dragons Dogma 2 developers.

One player discovered that the “wheel in the back of the pause menu is the clock/time of day”. So, no more guestimating whether it’s noon or evening with this new handy trick.

“I kept trying to guess when it was “between midnight and morning,” and when I noticed it hours later, it was a ‘doh’ moment,” admitted the original poster, but they weren’t the only people who hadn’t realized the hidden feature.

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“LMAO. Never noticed this… that’s helpful! Thank you,” said another enlightened player. “Holy sh*t I was literally looking for a clock an hour ago,” said another.

This feature can be especially useful considering that the sun in Dragons Dogma 2 moves counter-clockwise, making it even harder to tell the time without the clock.