Dragon’s Dogma 2 devs hear the Dragonsplague complaints and they don’t care

Dragon's Dogma 2 dragonsplagueDexerto

Capcom has responded to the complaints about Dragonsplague in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Their medium is a hilarious – if not dispassionate – post on socials that pretty much shrugs the whole thing off.

For those lucky enough not to have felt its sting, Dragonsplague is a mechanic that has the Dragon’s Dogma 2 playerbase gripped in terror. It’s an illness that afflicts Pawns and has them slaughter whole settlements including quest givers and vendors.

Arisen have not been taking any chances and are sacrificing their Pawns to the Brine at the slightest hint of the sickness. Many players have criticized the mechanic for the constant anxiety it brings to the game and some are even demanding changes.

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The team at Capcom has seen the uproar from the Dragon’s Dogma 2 community and offered their response. In a post to the Dragon’s Dogma 2 X account, they took a lighthearted jab at the hordes of Arisen sweating over Dragonsplague.

A Reddit thread discussing the post, aptly titled ‘They don’t give a f**k’, saw players discussing the mechanic and Capcom’s nonchalance. The primary concern that most Arisen have is the current method of curing Dragonsplague.

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“I just want an option to cure it so I can stop throwing my pawn off cliffs and waiting for them to die,” one player explained. “Love the idea, dislike the execution. It’s anti-gameplay since the only method to ‘cure’ it involves disengaging from the intended gameplay loop of bonding with and using pawns,” another user replied.

Not everyone is frustrated with Drgonsplague however. Some players actually appreciate the mechanic for honing their attention to detail in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

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“I quite like it. Forces me to pay attention, and has serious consequences if I don’t. That’s fun, if for nothing other than immersion and shock,” one Arisen argued. “I like it. There’s really nothing else like it out there. I also f**king love throwing pawns into a river,” another more sadistic player reasoned.

Dragon's Dogma 2 DragonsplagueCapcom
If you see this cutscene when you rest at an inn, it’s all over… For around seven in-game days at least.

Love or hate Dragonsplague, it doesn’t appear to be going anywhere in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Capcom put it in there for a reason and it looks like that reason may just be to laugh at all of our misery.

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