Dr Disrespect bashes “slimy” Warzone devs for ‘stealing’ DEADROP skin

Dr Disrespect shouting at screen in front of YouTube backgroundYouTube: Dr Disrespect

Dr Disrespect has hit out at the Warzone developers for ‘stealing’ a skin from a character that is a part of his DEADROP game, calling them “slimy” for doing so.

After years of criticizing every game under the sun, Dr Disrespect confirmed that he’d be hopping back into the development chair and working on his own game – which is now known as DEADROP.

The game is described as a ‘vertical extraction shooter’ and while early gameplay has left some fans less than impressed, plenty of others are excited to see what the Doc and Midnight Society have up their sleeve.

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One of the big talking points surrounding the game has been the ‘Variants’, which are characters that early investors are able to use in-game. Of course, the dev team has their own too, and one in particular has made waves due to the apparent similarities between itself and a skin from Warzone – which was released after the DEADROP skin did the rounds on social media.

Dr Disrespect responds to Warzone devs ‘copying’ DEADROP skin

While he’s not usually shy in having his say on such topics, The Doc hadn’t spoken out about the controversy until his August 29 stream – and it’s safe to say he isn’t best pleased about it all.

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The Two-Time was a few hours into his stream when, alongside TimTheTatman, he was sent to the Gulag in Warzone after losing a tense firefight atop the Peak POI. While waiting for his turn at redemption, he hit out at the state of the battle royale and the developers.

“I’ve checked out of Warzone, not interested. Look how ugly looking this game is,” he said. “They stole a fiction for one of our concept arts just like they stole the fiction of one of our characters. You know what I mean champs? A bunch of slimy guys over here. I don’t like them, I don’t like them.”

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Timestamp of 4:31:55

One fan said it was “bogus” that the developers had seemingly copied the skin, and the Doc replied with a similarly frustrated response – shaking his head but not offering up any further comments.

It’s impossible to know, for sure, if there was any inspiration drawn from the DEADROP look by the Warzone devs, but it’s something that will rumble on for a while.

At least the Doc has finally made his thoughts clear on it all.

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