Best Deadlock Bebop build: Abilities & Items

Deadlock Bebop hero imageValve

When it comes to beginner heroes, Bebop is a safe pick for those who come from aim-reliant games like Valorant and Overwatch 2, although he’s not without his flaws. So, here is everything you need to know about Bebop, the best builds, and his ability to upgrade path.

Upon booting up Deadlock there’s a good chance the first hero you’ll be trying out is Bebop, considering Valve themselves recommends it to beginners.

However, make no mistake that his kit can be hard to master as you can be easily countered if you’re not careful, especially if you don’t have the right items.

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So, to help you out in your games, here is the best build on Bebop in Deadlock, with some of the best items to get and the ideal ability upgrade path.

Best Bebop abilities in Deadlock

Below you can find the order in which it’s best to upgrade your abilities:

Deadlock Bebop abilities upgrades

Bebop’s kit is good at one thing, laning. His kit excels at bullying enemies during the laning phase as Hook is a good deterrent from them getting too close to you, while Sticky Bomb and his weapon make it easy to clear out waves of creeps and secure souls.

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This is why you want to try to max out the Sticky Bomb first as it’s a good tool for when an enemy is attempting to engage you during the laning phase, and can be used to clear out creeps faster.

Hook should be the second ability you max out. During the mid and late game, landing a single hook to kick off a teamfight could be the difference between winning and losing the game, and it’s a fantastic ability if you’re looking to pick off enemies.

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Your ult, Hyper Beam, should be the third ability you max out as by the late game it’s a fantastic tool to dish out damage, especially if you’re focusing on building up Spirit damage.

Although Exploding Uppercut can be good to use if you’re getting dived, it’s not as important as your other abilities, so it’s best to save it for last.

You have to bear in mind that Bebop is because of how close you’ll end up fighting enemies because of your Hook, you are susceptible to CC which can instantly kill you while you’re using your ability combos. However, with the right build, you can overcome it.

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Deadlock Bebop abilities explained

Here is a rundown of Bebop to give you a good look at what his kit does:

Deadlock's Bebop abilities icons
  • 1: Exploding Uppercut
    • Deal light melee damage to nearby units and send them flying back, causing area damage where they land. Does not damage allies, but can knock them back.
      • Level 1: -11 second cooldown
      • Level 2: On Uppercutting enemy hero, gain fast spin-up time on your primary fire, 2x range, and +60% weapon damage for 12 seconds
      • Level 3: On Uppercutting enemy hero, set hook cooldown to 0 and instantly +100% bullets to your current clip
  • 2: Sticky Bomb
    • Attach a Sticky Bomb to a nearby target that deals explosive damage after a short fuse time. Gain +2.5% bomb damage permanently for every enemy hero hit. You can cast Sticky Bomb on yourself.
      • Level 1: -8 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +80 damage
      • Level 3: On Attach, disarms the target for 3.5 seconds
  • 3: Hook
    • Launch out a hook that grabs and reels in the first enemy or friendly hero it hits, dealing damage if the target is an enemy. Target will be placed where you’re facing.
      • Level 1: Bebop deals 30% more bullet damage against hooked enemies for 10 seconds
      • Level 2: +30 meter cast range
      • Level 3: -12 second cooldown
  • 4: Hyper Beam
    • Charge up your laser to unleash a powerful torrent of energy that deals damage and slows enemies’ movement and dashes. You have slow movement and turn rate for the duration. If activated in the air, you hover while unleashing the beam.
      • Level 1: -40 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +100 DPS
      • Level 3: Hyper Bear heals Bebop for 100% of its damage on heroes, 33% for non-heroes

Best Deadlock Bebop build: Deadlock items explained

We will divide the items into four sections based on the stage of the game that you should buy them. This includes the early game, mid game, late game/luxury, and situational items.

The first three are pretty standard, with luxury being options for you if you’re being fed, and situational items are things that you can buy if you’re being countered in a specific way.

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Of course, there is no definitive correct build, especially since Valve is always willing to shake up the item meta with new updates, but if you’re just starting out this build should be a good starter place.

Early game items

Deadlock Bebop early game items

The name of the game with Bebop in the early game is winning your lane as his kit is particularly adept at this. To increase your chances, Monster Rounds should help you in farming creeps and Basic Magazine will make your weapon poke that bit more intimidating for enemies.

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Since Bebop lacks in mobility, Extra Stamina is a nice buy since it’ll give you more stamina, and Healing Rite is a good first Vitality buy as it’ll keep you topped up during the laning phase.

Since the idea is that you’ll be hooking people in and using your Exploding Uppercut, getting Melee Lifesteal and Spirit Strike is great. They will make your uppercut sting more, and give you some health when doing the combo.

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Mystic Reach is a good item to get since Bebop’s ability ranges are quite short, which the item will help mend. Meanwhile, Mystic Burst is great for when you pull off your Hook and Exploding Uppercut combo to get more damage in.

Mid game items

Deadlock Bebop mid game items

By this point in the game, it’s a good idea to build Slowing Bullets and Soul Shredder Bullets to get your weapon working in your favor. With these, your bullets will slow enemies, which will make it easier for you to land a hook.

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If you’re poking them, Soul Shredder will also increase the damage of your abilities, which will make your Hook combo more deadly.

Melee Charge is a good buy since you’ll probably be trying to heavy melee enemies after you’ve pulled off your Hook combo.

Of course, at this point they’ll be on to you, so beefing yourself up with Bullet Armor and Spirit Armor is ideal as it’ll make you more tanky, and Enduring Speed will up your move speed to get you roaming around the map.

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You may notice Echo Shard’s inclusion – yes, it is quite the pricey item to get by the mid game, but it’s ideal as it’ll allow you to use a hook again in a teamfight.

Improved Cooldown is a good item to get as well since it’ll let you use your Hook as often as possible. With Improved Burst building off of Mystic Burst, it’ll let you get more damage in when pulling off your combos.

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Late game/luxury items

Deadlock bebop late game items

If you’re getting fed in the early to mid game with your Deadlock Bebop build, getting Intensifying Magazine and Escalating Resilience is a good idea. These will make your weapon damage much more deadly while making you beefy, which will be helpful when you hook someone in right after poking them.

Since enemies will be looking to melt you down the moment you hook them in, Improved Bullet Armor and Improved Spirit Armor are key to surviving so you can pull off your ability combos.

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If you’re getting fed, Superior Stamina is nice to get to build off Extra Stamina. If you find that enemies are getting away too easily after hooking – or they’re moving too fast to land one – Inhibitor should make it easier for you.

Boundless Spirit is always a good Spirit item to get as it scales well into the late game, and Mystic Reverb is a good item to put on your Hook to make it much more deadly when enemies are caught in it.

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If you find yourself fed, getting Superior Cooldown early is key as it’ll let use Hook a lot. And Improved Reach will be great as many of your ability’s range is quite short, so the item will help you out in that aspect.

Situational items

Deadlock bebop situational items

Since these items are situational, they’ll only have niche uses. We’ll go through each of them and explain when it’s a good idea to use them in your Deadlock Bebop build:

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  • Warp Stone: Since one of Bebop’s weaknesses is a lack of mobility, Warp Stone can be handy if you find yourself constantly being dived and having to escape tricky positions, or can also be used to lessen the gap if enemies are trying to zone you out.
  • Hunter’s Aura: If during the early to mid game you find enemies are building items to counter your weapon damage, Hunter’s Aura is a good counter to their counter.
  • Spiritual Overflow: If you are looking to build up more weapon damage instead of putting more damage into your Spirit, Spiritual Overflow will serve you well in the late game.
  • Divine Barrier: If enemies are melting you down too easily once you’ve hooked them, getting Divine Barrier will give you enough time to melt them down.
  • Debuff Remover: Just like Divine Barrier, if enemies are throwing everything at you the moment you’ve hooked someone, getting Debuff Remover is good to save you from dying fast.
  • Majestic Leap: If you’re getting dove too much, or find yourself lacking mobility, Majestic Leap should help remedy the problem.
  • Shadow Weave: Depending on how much fun you are having, or how fed you are, Shadow Weave is a great item. You’ll be able to surprise Hook enemies, guaranteeing an easy pick.
  • Unstoppable: Just like Divine Barrier, Unstoppable will be key in making sure you don’t die when you Hook an enemy by removing all CC.
  • Slowing Hex: If you find enemies are slipping away right after being hooked too easily, getting Slowing Hex and applying it on your target will be great to secure that kill.
  • Cold Front: Yet another slowing item, if enemies are just getting away from you too easily, Cold Front should slow them enough for you to land another hook onto them and secure the kill.
  • Ethereal Shift: Since hooking enemies can land you in tricky positions, getting Ethereal Shift can be good if the enemies are always on guard for you to hook them.
  • Knockdown: If enemies are getting away from you too quickly after hooking them, getting Knockdown is a good way to guarantee getting that pick.
  • Curse: Yet another item that will help you in getting your abilities off, if enemies are on the lookout to counter your Hook, using Curse right before you attempt to land it will help you out immensely.

That’s everything you need to know about building the best Deadlock Bebop build. If you’d like to see where exactly Bebop stacks up to the rest of the roster, you can check out our tier list here.