Content Warning: Can you use cheats & console commands?

A screenshot featuring two Content Warning characters.Landfall

Find out if you can use cheats in Content Warning or use console commands to tweak your stats to rack up easy views and money.

Content Warning feels like an urban explorer’s dream, letting you and your friends explore creepy places and record all sorts of monsters. The highlight of this game isn’t just about getting random shenanigans on camera, though, as you’ll also have access to different useful items.

And it’s worth knowing that you’ll need to spend money to get these items. Well, if you’re not too keen on grinding money on this game, you may wonder if there are cheats you can use to keep your pockets full or generally help you progress through the game easily.

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Read on to find out if you can use cheats in Content Warning.

Can you use console commands cheats in Content Warning?

No, you can’t use cheats in Content Warning. The game doesn’t have built-in console commands and cheats like you’d generally see in other games – at least at the time of writing.

One way you can cheat in this game is by installing mods. Alternatively, you can resort to using a cheat engine to tweak your in-game money, health, and other stats if you’re looking for a quick way to rack up views and revenue. Though you’ll want to make sure to update them to avoid running into game-breaking issues.

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It’s unclear if cheats will be added in the future in Content Warning, but if you’d like to play it extra safe, we recommend using these tricks to improve your views and get money fast

Additionally, knowing how to deal with all the monsters will help you anticipate certain moments to help your video go viral on SpookTube.