CoD players realize how much they love MW3 after returning to MW2

sprinting in Warzone 2.Activision

Call of Duty players can’t wait for Modern Warfare 3 after returning to 2022’s MW2 following the game’s beta.

The Modern Warfare 3 beta dropped on October 6, giving CoD fans a taste of what’s to come with this year’s title.

Despite the game being fairly criticized by fans during its beta run, players now can’t wait to get their hands on the game, realizing how it compares to MW2.

CoD players can’t wait for MW3 after comparing to MW2

In an October 21 Reddit thread, CoD fan ‘Goldhawk_1’ started a discussion after claiming they can’t wait for this year’s Call of Duty after having to return to last year’s once MW3’s beta ended.

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“I’m actually pretty glad this is dropping soon. I thought I’d boot up MW2 in the meantime and holy sh*t this is just so much worse,” they said, before listing several reasons as to why last year’s CoD is worse in comparison.

“Health regen takes forever to start, you have zero f**king hp to begin with so if you get shot you have to have a stim or just wait for an hour to get your 5 hp back,” they wrote.

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They added: “Somehow everyone knows where you are instantly, maybe it has to do with the clomping sounds of everyone’s boots as it’s louder than f**king gunfire.”

However, while some fans can’t wait for the new MW3, it’s fair to say the game got its fair share of stick during the beta and is still getting some hate considering how mixed opinions are on whether MW2 is actually worse.

Notably, players hit out at the “atrocious” TTK, while others took aim at the hit detection. Although, according to ‘Goldhawk_1’, the issue is way worse in Modern Warfare 2.

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“People actually b*tched about the hit detection in MW3 beta, but every single game of MW2 you die in one shot and you put like six into the dude that put one in you before he even knew you were there.”

They added: “This is just unbelievable in comparison. The quality of matches isn’t even close. I can’t wait for November 10th.”

Already having a glimpse of what’s to come, CoD fans are excited for this year’s title. However, some players are worried MW3 “will die” if the devs don’t make some necessary changes.

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