Blizzard accused of making fake accounts to ask Diablo 4 devs softball questions

Associate Game Director Joseph Piepiora and Art Director John Mueller from the Diablo 4 development team in an interviewYouTube: FGS

Twitch streamer Quin69 has accused Blizzard of making fake accounts to ask Diablo 4 devs softball questions, noting how the accounts featured in the Q&A do not exist or were all brand new.

Diablo 4 Associate Game Director Joseph Piepiora and Art Director John Mueller sat down to answer questions about the game from fans reportedly sourced from Reddit and Twitter.

Fans are currently still mad at Blizzard after the news broke about Overwatch 2 PVE mode cancelation, so naturally they take any statements the company puts out about any of their products with a grain of salt.

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Twitch streamer Quin69 reacted to the video and pointed out that both usernames and the questions themself seemed suspicious so he started looking them up one by one. None of the mentioned usernames were actual profiles on Reddit or Twitter.

It’s important to note that the interview was conducted by Future Game Show (FGS) for their YouTube page. This led some viewers to speculate that FGS could have faked the questions, while other users are pointing fingers at Blizzard. Although, currently, it’s impossible to tell if the questions were faked at all.

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The description of the video also features an epitaph stating that “some of the usernames in the video have been altered for anonymity, at the request of the user.”

Fake questions from fake users. Very transparent Blizzard, said one user in the comment section of the interview.

In response, another user replied that: “The news site invented the questions and then asked them to D4 devs, really weird how people are misplacing blame.”

Once again, neither side has solid proof of who invented the accounts and questions asked in the video, if they were indeed engineered in the first place. Regardless Blizzard once again lands in hot water, just days after being accused of lying about Overwatch 2 PvE mode cancelation.

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