Best UFC 5 combos to dominate online: Boxing, Kickboxing, more

Dominate your opponent inside the virtual Octagon with our guide to the best combinations in EA Sports UFC 5.

UFC 5 arrives with a fully revamped damage and impact system, overhauled submissions, and a bunch of new fighter animations and potential combinations.

And while the game boasts a handful of new features, not much has changed in terms of the best combinations, especially when it comes to throwing hands.

Whether you’re using your range to stick and move or closing the distance with a bunch of heavy blows, we have all of the best combinations for you to unleash on your opponent in UFC 5 here in our guide.

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Best combinations in UFC 5

Combinations are what separate the best from the rest in UFC 5. Masterful strikers will utilize boxing combinations to full effect to land devastating punches and kicks on their opponents.

Best boxing combinations in UFC 5

Jab-hook combination

Square, L1 + Square (PlayStation), X, LB + X (Xbox)

The jab-hook combo is one of the most basic boxing combinations in existence, but that doesn’t stop it from being one of the most effective.

By starting with the jab, one of the longest yet safest strikes to throw in UFC 5, you can close the distance before sneaking around your opponent’s guard with a lead hook.

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Jab-straight-hook combination

Square, Triangle, L1 + Square (PlayStation), X, X, LB + X (Xbox)

Similar to the jab-hook combo, this combination of strikes hides a powerful hook behind a combination of solid straight punches. If you find that your opponent is evading the jab well, follow up with a straight punch before looping in with a lead hook.

You’ll need to find a way around your opponent’s guard in UFC 5

Jab-hook-straight combination

Square, L1 + Square, Triangle (PlayStation), X, LB + X, Y (Xbox)

The jab-hook-straight combo is one of the fastest in the game and helps set the pace of the fight, allowing you to later mix in kickboxing combinations and alternative boxing combinations as the fight goes on.

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Straight-hook-uppercut combination

Triangle, L1 + Square, R1 + Triangle (PlayStation), Y, LB + X, RB +Y

A fairly unpredictable combination here compared to the others in which you lead with a straight before unloading a lead hook and finishing with a rear uppercut. It’s a quick and nasty combo that deals major damage.

Classic in UFC 5EA Sports
Win the toe-to-toe battles with our best combinations guide

Best kickboxing combinations in UFC 5

Mix up your combinations by throwing kicks into the mix as well. Here are some of the best kickboxing combinations in UFC 5.

Jab-straight-head kick combination

Square, Triangle, L1 + X (PlayStation), X, X, LB + A (Xbox)

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One of the most famous kickboxing combinations of all time is the simple 1-2 followed by a head kick. This combination usually sees your opponent raise their guard to deflect the incoming punches, but often times as they look to counter or drop their guard you can time a well-placed head kick.

Head kick into spinning backhand

L1 + X, then X + Circle to start spinning, then Triangle (PlayStation), LB + A, then B + A to start spinning, then Y (Xbox)

UFC 5’s new spin controls open the door for a wide range of combination opportunities, especially following kicks. In this example, you can time a spinning backhand strike that combines perfectly with a head kick.

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Now that you’ve got these powerful combinations down learn more from our other UFC 5 guides here:

How to clinch | How to takedown | How to superman punch | How to defend takedowns | How to run | How to upgrade fighters | How to block | How to touch gloves