Best Elsa Bloodstone Decks in Marvel Snap: Bounce & Move

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Elsa Bloodstone bursts onto the scene in Marvel Snap with a versatile new ability that’s set to shake up the meta. Join us as we uncover the best Elsa Bloodstone decks in Marvel Snap.

Elsa Bloodstone is the featured card of October 2023’s “Bloodstone” season and will be up for grabs to all those who purchase the season pass. Just like other seasons, Elsa Bloodstone will become available in the Token Shop once the season ends in November.

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While not a “must-have” card, players who acquire Elsa Bloodstone will be able to diversify their decks with a card that promises adaptability, significant power output, and synergy with a variety of many of the most common cards.

Our guide provides insights into the best Elsa Bloodstone decks in Marvel Snap, ensuring you’re ready to dominate during the “Bloodstone” season and beyond.

Elsa Bloodstone’s Ability in Marvel Snap

Best Elsa Bloodstone deckSecond Dinner

Elsa Bloodstone joins Marvel Snap as a 2-cost, 2-power card with text that reads: “If you play another card to fill a location, give it +3 Power.” This card stands out due to its versatility, allowing it to be played effectively both early and late in the game.

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Elsa Bloodstone synergizes exceptionally well with cards like Mysterio that help to fill up the board quickly. It also integrates seamlessly with Move cards like Jeff, Nightcrawler, and Vision, enabling continuous play and value generation, especially in Move decks. Furthermore, expect the Bounce meta to make a return as Elsa Bloodstone can continually cash in on her unique ability.

However, Elsa does pose challenges. It requires strategic play to ensure buffs are applied effectively, and it’s crucial for players to be mindful of its late turn order buff and the necessity for cards to be face up to receive buffs.

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Despite these, Elsa Bloodstone’s adaptability, synergy with top meta decks, and potential power output make it a formidable card, promising to be a game-changer in Marvel Snap.

Best Elsa Bloodstone Decks in Marvel Snap

Check out the top Elsa Bloodstone decks in ranked and conquest mode below:

Elsa Bounce Deck

  • Kitty Pryde
  • Bast
  • Luke Cage
  • Nightcrawler
  • Elsa Bloodstone
  • Angela
  • Mobius M. Mobius
  • Mysterio
  • Bishop
  • Hit Monkey
  • Beast
  • Sera

Brace yourselves because Bounce decks look set to make a return. Elsa Bloodstone’s ability buffs cards that fill a location, and there are not many decks out there that can have the same kind of impact on the board as Bounce decks do.

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Elsa Bloodstone works incredibly well with the likes of Angela and Bishop that reward cards played. Nightcrawler can help fill up a location and then simply move out of the way, and Beast is here to help you replay cards again and again.

Bounce decks have remarkable consistency and explosive turn-six potential, and now, with Elsa Bloodstone in the mix, they’re set to become one of the most dominant decks in Marvel Snap again.

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Substitutes: Legion, Shang-Chi, Lizard

Elsa Move Deck

  • Nightcrawler
  • Kitty Pryde
  • Kraven
  • Angela
  • Jeff
  • Elsa Bloodstone
  • Silk
  • Spider-Man
  • Miles Morales
  • Vision
  • Legion
  • America Chavez

Elsa Bloodstone also gives yet another much-needed option for Move decks, synergizing well with cards like Spider-Man, Miles Morales, and Silk.

By filling locations and then moving cards elsewhere, players can make use of the bonus power to set up easy wins. Other move cards such as Jeff, Nightcrawler, and Vision all represent great versatility and powerful synergy with Elsa Bloodstone, as well.

Substitutes: Shang-Chi, Alioth, Iron Lad

See our other best deck guides for recent Marvel Snap cards here: Mobius M. Mobius |  Ravonna Renslayer | Alioth | Loki | Silver Samurai |  X-23 | Daken | Mirage | Legion | Echo | Jean Grey | Phoenix Force

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