Best Egyptian build order for Age of Mythology Retold

Egyptian Pantheon in Age of Mythology Retold.World's Edge / Dexerto

When using the Egyptian Pantheon in Age of Mythology Retold you will need to follow the best build order to strive forward in your quest for victory.

In AoM Retold, the four Pantheons have a range of diverse characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses, which result in you having to carry out different build strategies to give yourself an advantage.

The Egyptian Pantheon has a range of unique benefits, the biggest being that every building is free to build and Pharoah’s can use their Empower ability to increase resource collection and population cap. This means that you can advance much faster than others if you follow an optimal build sequence.

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Here’s the best build order for the Egyptian Pantheon, including the goal of each age, and the order in which you should make certain villagers, military units, and buildings as you advance through each age.

Archaic Age

Goal: Establish a strong economy and advance to the Classical Age quickly.

Egyptian Archaic Age in Age of Mythology Retold.World’s Edge / Dexerto
Perfecting your build order in the Archaic Age sets you up for the whole match.

You will primarily be focusing on Food and Gold during this age to advance quickly to the next age, as Wood is useless to you until the later stages. The Pharoah will be key throughout, but especially here to maximize your Food collection speed.

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Here is the best Egyptian build order for the Archaic Age:

  1. Send 3 starter villagers to collect Food.
  2. Order 2 villagers to mine Gold.
  3. Build a Granary next to Food Source.
  4. Make Pharaoh Empower Granary to obtain more Food.
  5. Order 2 villagers to collect Food.
  6. Build Monument.
  7. Build House.
  8. Order 1 villager to mine Gold.
  9. Order 3 villagers to collect Food.
  10. Build Temple
  11. Advance to Classical Age

Classical Age

Goal: Increase population, maintain economic growth, and start military production.

Egyptian Classical Age in Age of Mythology Retold.World’s Edge / Dexerto
Resource priorities will need changing to maintain your economic growth.

With no building costs, you can take advantage of this by instantly setting a villager to build several houses straight after you reach the Classical Age. However, Wood will instead be important for making military units and for upgrades the more you progress.

You will therefore need to move some villagers around at this point to balance your resource collection to prioritize Gold, meanwhile still obtaining decent amounts of Food and Wood. This will ensure you are well prepared to start building your army.

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Here is the best Egyptian build order for the Classical Age:

  • Build 9 houses.
  • Order 2 villagers to collect Wood.
  • Order 2 villagers to mine Gold.
  • Place 6 villagers on Food, 7 on Gold, and 5 on Wood.
  • Make Pharaoh Empower Mining Camp to obtain more Gold.
  • Order Gold Mining upgrades from Mining Camp.
  • Build Monument.
  • Build 2 Barracks.
  • Order 15 military units (5 Spearman, 5 Axemen, and 5 Slingers).
  • Build Armory.
  • Advance to the Heroic Age.

Heroic Age

Goal: Expand your army with stronger units, make efficiency and military upgrades, and scout nearby areas for resources, relics and enemies.

Egyptian Heroic Age in Age of Mythology Retold.World’s Edge / Dexerto
Building a Fortress is vital within this age for defense and attack via its powerful military units.

During the Heroic Age and onwards, your build order and overall strategy will become more fluid due to in-game situations, such as your opponents potentially attacking. Wood starts to become useful here, but Food and, increasingly, Gold will take precedence.

Here is the best Egyptian build order for the Heroic Age:

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  1. Increase your villagers to a total of 25 (8 villagers on Food, 10 on Gold, and 7 on Wood).
  2. Scout nearby areas with 5 military units and a Priest to collect Relics.
  3. Build 3 houses.
  4. Build Monument.
  5. Build Market.
  6. Upgrade farming, mining, and woodcutting to increase efficiency.
  7. Double your military units to around 30 regular units.
  8. Upgrade military units.
  9. Build another Town Center if possible to increase the Population Cap.
  10. Order 3 Donkey Caravans to travel between your two Town Centers to produce passive Gold.
  11. Build Fortress.
  12. Advance to Mythic Age.

Mythic Age

Goal: Establish dominance and attack your enemies or strive for the final Wonder Age.

Egyptian Mythic Age in Age of Mythology Retold.World’s Edge / Dexerto
The Mythic Age is when your full army takes shape.

You must ensure that your resource economy is still in place because, by this point, the surrounding resources will be drying up. If your opponents haven’t attacked you already, they most likely will. The key is to build a massive, well-balanced army as soon as possible, including powerful Myth units, ordinary soldiers, Siege units, and, of course, a Titan.

Here is the best Egyptian build order for the Mythic Age:

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  1. Build 4 houses.
  2. Build Monument.
  3. Make Pharaoh Empower Town Center to increase Population Cap.
  4. Build more military buildings for the units you use to improve efficiency.
  5. Upgrade farming, mining, woodcutting.
  6. Double your army size again to around 75-100 units in total.
  7. Build Final Monument.
  8. Upgrade military units.
  9. Research the Secrets of the Titans from the Town Center.
  10. Build a Titan gate when you reach enough Favor.
  11. Use Market to purchase any needed resources or use Pharaoh to Empower the resource you need for a Wonder.
  12. Build a Wonder.

A Wonder will cost you 5,000 Gold and 7,500 Food to reach the Wonder Age. This is the easiest Wonder to construct in AoM Retold, as Food is quick to obtain, and you can always Empower your Gold source with your Pharaoh.

Wonder Age

Goal: Maximise your army’s potential and wipe out all your enemies with the benefits.

Egyptian Wonder Age in Age of Mythology Retold.World’s Edge / Dexerto
To progress to the Wonder Age you will need to build the classic Wonder building.

Though it isn’t a game finisher per se, the Wonder in Retold assists in finishing games. Your Egyptian units get stronger as you go through the Wonder Age, and you can recast God Powers more quickly and affordably.

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When you get to the finish line, concentrate on using your entire army to strike and decimate your opponents. Make sure that, if your soldiers are beaten, you have improved everything and constructed any essential military structures near enemies for fast reinforcements.

When playing against more skilled people online or AI with a higher level of difficulty, build orders are subject to alter in response to enemy movements, your selected God, and unforeseen circumstances.

The predetermined build sequence will apply to the first two stages, but starting in Stage 3, these will likely change due to enemy attacks and various factors.

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We have provided the best build order guides for every other Pantheon in Age of Mythology Retold, including the Atlanteans, Greeks, and Norse.

You can also check out every cheat available and how to use them during your matches.