Best Content Warning mods

Content Warning scaryLandfall

Content Warning already has some exciting mods to improve your experience, so here are some of the best mods you can download now.

Content Warning is taking Steam by storm, the new title already amassing over 6 million players and counting. The new horror, multiplayer experience encourages players to team up, find monsters and capture all the drama in between.

The aim of the game is to create the most engaging content possible and get the most views possible when uploading the footage to Content Warning’s in-game social media platform, SpookTube.

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While the base game offers up enough fun as is, PC players have already begun changing up Content Warning via mods. 

Without further ado, here are some of the best Content Warning mods available as well as an explanation as to what each does to the game.

Increase maximum lobby count for additional players

While you can play Content Warning solo, playing alongside friends is the best way to experience the new game. Currently, Content Warning can be played with up to four players.

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However, a new mod allows gamers to increase the max size of their Content Warning lobby as well as allow for late arrivals to join halfway through a playthrough. Created by MaxIsUnavaible, this new mod can be a game-changer.

Better face customization and variety 

Other than increasing the lobby size of Content Warning, the next major mod to release was in relation to character customization. Specifically, this new mod increases the options that players have to change up their face design.

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In order to access this increase, simply download the MoreCustomization mod created by Diabolical Studios.

Camera length and quality increase for better SpookTube content

Content Warning bodyLandfall
Content Warning is a new multiplayer horror game

One of the most important gadgets in Content Warning is the camera. After all, how are players expected to capture the best content possible to upload to their SpookTube channel with a sturdy, reliable camera at their disposal?

Enter the Flashcard mod. Created by Ioaforc, this new mode increases the standard 90-minute cap of film to a whopping 120 minutes. Giving players the best chance to get every scare and dramatic moment on film to upload to their SpookTube channel.

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Increase volume for in-game chatter and communication

Given that Content Warning is a multiplayer horror experience, it goes without saying that communication amongst your fellow players is vital to the success of your playthrough and can go a long way in helping capture the perfect content for your SpookTube channel.

Enter VolumeBooster, a mode created by RamuneNeptune that bolsters all audio in the game by over 30 times what is featured in Content Warning

Ragdoll effect for a bit of extra fun

Content Warning horrorLandfall
Content Warning is filled with jump scares

In video games, the Ragdoll effect is often a staple of the horror genre. When used in a game, the affected character or NPC goes completely limp and flails on the ground. The likes of Dying Light use the Ragdoll feature to great effect.

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To make your characters turn into Ragdolls in Content Warning, simply download the MakeMeRagdoll mod created by RamuneNeptune.