Baldur’s Gate 3 players want character creation change for one big reason

Wyll & Mizora official artwork for Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 players want a key change made to character creation so that their version of Tav better reflects their choices.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players must walk a tightrope when selecting gear, as there is a delicate balance between equipment that’s effective and looks cool in cutscenes. This is because Baldur’s Gate 3 badly needs a transmog system to give players the best of both worlds.

It doesn’t help that Baldur’s Gate 3 backloads all the cool-looking gear, with the best items saved for Act III. The players in Act I have to pick function over form, leading to some less-than-appealing fashion choices while dungeon crawling.

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Worst of all, a player only has limited clothing options during character creation. This is surprising, considering Baldur’s Gate 3’s staggering number of races, classes, and aesthetic choices, yet the custom character is stuck with the clothing of their starting class.

an image of a half-elf sorcerer in baldur's gate 3Larian Studios
The half-elf race is a great fit for the Sorcerer class.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players want Background clothing choice

One key aspect of character creation that’s often ignored is Background, which explains what the protagonist did before the story’s events. A user on the Baldur’s Gate 3 Reddit named Shellywo has argued that Background choice should be reflected in starting gear.

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“I would love it if they had different sets of clothing for different backgrounds and not all of them had to be unique either,” said the commenter. “Some of the backgrounds could definitely wear the same thing.”

“That sounds like a great idea. I’ve only played an elf bard (entertainer background) so far cause it’s the same oc, and I think the clothes fit the kind of character just by those three traits,” another user replied. “But for a barbarian elf with a urchin background… that’s one out of three that fits the clothes.”

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A character’s Background determining their starting clothes is something that exists in D&D 5E. Some Backgrounds just give common clothes, while others, like the Noble, provide fine clothing to reflect the character’s status before they become an adventurer.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players want more options for the clothing they wear in camp, as there aren’t many choices in Act I. Many important character moments happen when the party is chatting in the evening, so it’s understandable why players would want to look their best during these moments.

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The desire for camp QoL features in Baldur’s Gate 3 might seem like a low priority, but character creation choices are important. Baldur’s Gate 3 players want their Tav’s exterior to match the choices they made, and clothing is a big part of that, especially early on in the game when they can’t run to a shop and buy some.