Athena explains her passion for racing, music and her rise as a Rocket League star

Lexus athena

Rocket League content creator and caster Athena is a driving fanatic, as well as boasting over half a million Twitch followers. We caught up with her to chat Rocket League, cars, and more ahead of her race vs a real-life driver.

Athena will be going head-to-head with a professional Lexus racing driver, although to keep it fair, the race will go down in Forza.

For real-life racing, it’s best left to the pros of course. Check out which races Lexus will be at during the 2024 IMSA racing season here.

As it happens though, Athena is a Lexus owner herself, so she had plenty to say on the topic.

Have you ever been involved in racing, either in-game or on a real track, before? Or is this going to be a totally new experience for you? You’re a bit of a car fan aren’t you and you even drive a Lexus, correct?

As an avid fan of NASCAR and F1 I have been lucky enough to go to both events and it has been such a blast. Never raced on a real track and after racing in game… I definitely shouldn’t…

I have driven a Lexus for almost 10 years and love my car so much. Seeing this opportunity arise for a collaboration was perfect. 

If you could have your ultimate dream garage, what 3 Lexus models are you choosing and what makes each one a must-have for your collection?

As a Lexus car owner picking 3 is SO HARD. I have loved for years the NX and the 2024 NX has to be one of my top favorites. But if we are talking about my DREAM GARAGE… honestly any of the LC Models they’re beautiful. 

Lexus cars are known for their luxurious features. If you could add any over-the-top feature to any Lexus model in real life, what would it be and why?

I would have to say if there was an option to have an ice maker in the car when I go to the gym that would be so convenient.

athena lexus logoYouTube: Athena

You’ve been to large gaming events and tournaments, but have you ever been to an IMSA race in real life?

I have not been to an IMSA race but I can imagine the feel of the crowd and the event is ELECTRIC. Definitely adding the event to my bucket list. 

You’ve grown your audience with Rocket League primarily, but do you have any other games you’re loving lately? What is your favorite game of all time?

As of right now I am very much addicted to Apex Legends and Team Fight Tactics. I am so close to a Masters in Apex but it’s so difficult. Favorite game of all time is tough. I think it would have to be a tie between Super Smash Bros Melee or Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess because of the memories I have of playing with my dad. 

What is the game, and/or person that inspired you to start making content?

Oddly enough I remember watching Jon Sandman and Woofless play Rocket League when Jon was just starting his channel. It’s been very surreal to see the trajectory of my career and having collaborations 9 years later.  

What made you decide to start making music? How did it make you feel when you found out Rocket League would use your song? Can we expect more songs in the future?

Music has always been a passion of mine for years and never really had the chance to pursue it. But after meeting SMLE on stream and speaking with them, I knew that I had a really special opportunity to combine two passions of mine and have a song in Rocket League. I still to this day can’t believe how many people listen to my songs and seeing Rocket League use it in RLCS is one of my proudest achievements. 

I have one song almost ready but waiting for the perfect time to drop it so keep your eyes peeled!!!

No doubt you’ll be confident in your Rocket League abilities, but what about Forza – have you played before, or is this going to be a trial by fire?

Forza is HARD. I am so confident that I will only crash 3 times per race. Trial by Fire all the way. 

Any advice to anyone aspiring to be a creator like yourself?

Dream as big as you can and work hard. It takes a lot to be a creator but always believe in yourself and your capabilities.