Asmongold explains what WoW Dragonflight needs to win back players’ trust

asmongold-wow-dragonflight-player-trust-blizzardBlizzard / YouTube: Asmon

Asmongold claims Blizzard lost people’s trust with how they’ve handled recent World of Warcraft expansions and explained what they need to achieve in Dragonflight to win it back.

Blizzard finally revealed World of Warcraft’s next expansion, Dragonflight, on April 19. Asmon seemed impressed during his initial reaction, however not everyone shared the same enthusiasm and optimism towards it.

“I think that a lot of the criticism and skepticism is very deserved,” said Asmon. “Let’s be honest, it’s certainly deserved after what’s happened with Battle for Azeroth, Shadowlands, and in the first half of Legion too.”

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For that reason, he believes Blizzard needs to make amends and “earn back people’s trust” in the upcoming Dragonflight expansion and explained what they need to achieve in order to make that happen.

world of warcraft wow dragonflight dracthyr attacks enemy with windBlizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft Dragonflight is the next expansion in the MMORPG.

“In my opinion, I think that the fundamental thing is fulfillment in the game and also making content that makes playing the game and being a player of the game feel good,” he explained. “What does that really mean?

“That means things like the Darkmoon Fair. That means things like having cool different legendary effects. Cool stuff like the speed set for example in Legion, which was a really fun little side activity that you could do.”

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However, he believes they’ve gotten some things right, which he talked about in his reaction to the announcement. He highlighted changes to class design in particular, claiming it’s a step in the right direction.

“Going back to the older talent trees is going to give them more tools to balance classes better. Right now, they have to balance conduits, covenant abilities, covenant class abilities, tier sets, talents, soul binds, and legendries.

“They have to balance all these things, but how do you balance all of these variables and have any semblance of success? I’ll tell you how. You don’t. And that’s what’s been going on for the past five years!”

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The relevant part of the video begins at 1:30.

Asmon re-iterated that Blizzard put themselves in this situation.

“I think people are very skeptical. Blizzard has earned that skepticism. Blizzard has earned that distrust. It’s on them to build that trust again.”

He believes the Dragonflight expansion could be the first step in that process: “I said many times it’ll take two or three expansions for World of Warcraft to truly be good again. I think that this could be the first expansion.”

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