Apex Legends players devastated as “moaning” Ash quip removed

ash looking at camera in apex legends trailerRespawn Entertainment

Ash was the newest character introduced in Apex Legends Season 11, and the offense-heavy Legend made quite an impact. But one of her quips has arguably made the biggest impression as Respawn has decided to update one of her lines that contained moaning sounds.

For reasons that we obviously don’t need to do a deep dive into, Ash’s moaning quip has obviously created discussion amongst Apex Legends players. The fearsome Legend isn’t one of the most picked in the game, but she is still viable.

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It was clear though that her character and personality were being overshadowed by one infamous quote, featuring one famous sound. As a result, Respawn Entertainment have finally decided to act and alter the dialogue.

apex legends' ash stepping out of a portalRespawn Entertainment
It will be interesting to see if this has any bearing on Ash’s pick rate now.

Apex players moan about Ash quip change

Two separate Apex Legends Reddit posts have expressed their disappointment at the quip being adjusted. “They nerfed ash in the new update” and “This voice line got a nerf?” both made reference to the update.

The original voice line began with Ash making a rather questionable moaning sound, regardless of the context, and would say: “She’s going to gloat about this all day.” Due to the nature of the moan, players would assign it to Ash and spam it during games of Apex Legends.

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It seems like the devs have realized how much of an impact it was having and have decided to remove the sound of a moan altogether, leaving only the original line of dialogue.

Across the two posts were a variety of comments regarding the change. fyre04 declared her “Literally unusable” now and 0DarkChar0 expressed their disappointment too: “Of course, the only quip I spent crafting materials on.”

AcoHead amusingly exclaimed: “This is the biggest nerf to any legend I’ve ever seen.”

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Many users believe this will just abandon the use of Ash, and, in particular, continue the abuse and spam of other lines instead. GoTeamScotch offered a simple and logical solution: “Soooo why didn’t they just put quips on a cooldown? Doesn’t that pretty much solve every complaint from every quip?”

It does seem to be an ideal solution to prevent any further quip spam. In any case, Apex Legends players will always have their memories of the OG line, and YouTube.

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