Apex Legends players call for Wraith to be removed until “ridiculous” hit reg bug fixed

Apex Legends Wraith hit-regRespawn Entertainment

Apex Legends players are calling on Respawn to disable Wraith in Ranked until the “ridiculous” hit reg glitch is fixed.

Season 13 of Apex Legends added a variety of new content and fixed countless bugs affecting players’ gameplay experience, but the update did arrive with a few hiccups.

Unfortunately, one of these issues revolves around hit-reg with bullets seemingly traveling through Legends and dealing no damage.

While this problem isn’t limited to a single character, Wraith is definitely causing most of the frustration with the Interdimensional Skirmisher regularly sponging a whole mag in bullets.

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Now, over six weeks since Saviors went live with no fix, players are demanding that Wraith is disabled from Ranked until the issue is resolved.

Wraith Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
Wraith has a 10% pick rate in Season 13.

Apex Legends players want Wraith disabled from Ranked

Apex Legends players have taken to the game’s subreddit to call on the devs to disable Wraith until a fix for the “ridiculous” hit-reg glitch has been found.

Comparing Apex to Valorant, user bellonj claims Riot Games remove an Agent from Ranked if they’re experiencing major issues with their kit and that Respawn should take note and do the same with Wraith.

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Despite her huge popularity and iconic status on the roster, a lot of players believe she’s compromising the competitive integrity of Ranked by consistently creating unfair gunfights.

With countless clips appearing of Wraith players soaking up huge amounts of damage, it’s clear the community has lost patience with the devs and wants a temporary fix.

While disabling Wraith is certainly an option for Respawn, it would cause a lot of frustration for players that main the Interdimensional Skirmisher.

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Not only that, but with how long it’s taking to patch at the moment, it’s hard to know when the Interdimensional Skirmisher would be re-introduced back into the game.

For now, we’ll just have to wait for an official response from the devs but as time passes, the community is growing more and more impatient.