Apex Legends game-changing ability “exploit” found for controller

apex legends Gibraltar shieldRespawn Entertainment

Apex Legends players have found a simple way to cancel their ability animations to cut down on their cast time that some are calling an ‘exploit.’

Triggering a Legends’ ability in Apex brings up a momentary downtime to activate the move. Whether its Bloodhound’s scan or Wraith when she exits the void, a tactical leaves players locked in animation for about a second or two.

That being said, people can swerve that penalty using a controller with a quick button input, giving them a faster avenue to react to the battlefield once they use an ability.

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Apex Legends ability animation cancel

apex legends r99

To cancel ability animations in Apex Legends, press your Ultimate Ability moments after using your tactical.

User ‘RossBobSquirrel’ showed how easy it is to reproduce the tech with every Legend on controller but your mileage may vary with special cases like Pathfinder’s Grappling Hook. In those instances, the trick cancels the ability from being used before the move can actually take effect.

But for characters like Gibraltar and Horizon, this trick lets you get off your ability to ADS (aim down the sights) much faster.

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Even notorious animations like Wraith’s Into the Void ability, which leaves her hands with nothing to do after exiting the rift, can benefit from the trick.

The animation cancel tech could prove to be very useful for Apex players, with some people already wondering if it’s considered fair game: “does this count as exploiting?”

The disparities between PC and console environments tend to give mouse and keyboard users more options to use, but shortcuts like this could let controller players add more tricks to their toolbox.

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