Apex Legends dev responds as players want Ash nerfed already in Season 11

Respawn Entertainment

Apex Legends Season 11 is only just out of the gate, but Apex players of all levels are already calling for a nerf to new Legend Ash — and the devs have already addressed it.

With each new season comes a new Legend to the Apex Games, and Ash has already become a formidable foe on the battlefield in Season 11.

The Incisive Instigator is a popular pick with players in the early days of Season 11, with her Phase Breach ultimate and Arc Snare tactical abilities causing headaches for enemies.

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Her passive ability, however — Marked For Death — is already being looked at by players and targeted for nerf requests.

Apex Legends Ash passive abilityRespawn Entertainment
Ash’s Marked for Death ability has caused a stir.

Apex Legends players demand Ash nerfs

Within hours of the season going live, some top names in Apex were already frustrated by Ash’s passive.

Nokokopuffs was one of the pros to address the potential issue with Ash. While he said he was loving the new season and the new Storm Point map, he noted that “Ash passive seeing fights all around the map is way too much info.”

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100 Thieves’ NiceWigg agreed with this sentiment, suggesting that Ash will “ruin this ranked split with this passive,” while Nokokopuffs responded saying that it “completely defeats the purpose of a ‘bigger map.’”

Twitch streamer iamBush also asked for an Ash passive nerf, saying it’s “like wallhacks and invites third parties in ranked,” while C9’s PVPX said that the passive needs a nerf despite Ash’s ult and tactical both being balanced.