All Warframe characters: Standard and Prime Warframes

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Diving into the universe of Warframe, both new and seasoned players find themselves amidst an ever-expanding roster of characters. This comprehensive list of Warframe characters will guide you through the standard and prime variants available, showcasing the diversity and depth of choices at your fingertips.

Each Warframe, with its unique abilities and design, contributes to the game‘s rich tapestry, offering myriad ways to explore, fight, and conquer. Warframe stands out in the gaming world for its intricate gameplay, detailed lore, and, most notably, its vast array of characters. 

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From the stealthy Ash to the storm-summoning Zephyr, the game presents a plethora of Warframes to suit every play style and tactical approach. Whether you’re a lone wolf or a team player, there’s a Warframe waiting to become your avatar in this sci-fi epic.

The following compilation is more than just a list; it’s a gateway to understanding the potential locked within these armored warriors. Get ready to meet your match and perhaps find your new favorite.

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Warframe Characters: A Comprehensive List

Standard Warframes

There are 55 standard Warframes in total in the game right now, and they are the backbone of your arsenal, each designed with a unique set of skills that cater to different play styles and strategies. Here’s a quick rundown:

  1. Ash
  2. Atlas
  3. Banshee
  4. Baruuk
  5. Caliban
  6. Chroma
  7. Citrine
  8. Dagath
  9. Ember
  10. Equinox
  11. Excalibur
  12. Frost
  13. Gara
  14. Garuda
  15. Gauss
  16. Grendel
  17. Gyre
  18. Harrow
  19. Hildryn
  20. Hydroid
  21. Inaros
  22. Ivara
  23. Khora
  24. Kullervo
  25. Lavos
  26. Limbo
  27. Loki
  28. Mag
  29. Mesa
  30. Mirage
  31. Nekros
  32. Nezha
  33. Nidus
  34. Nova
  35. Nyx
  36. Oberon
  37. Octavia
  38. Protea
  39. Qorvex
  40. Revenant
  41. Rhino
  42. Saryn
  43. Sevagoth
  44. Styanax
  45. Titania
  46. Trinity
  47. Valkyr
  48. Vauban
  49. Volt
  50. Voruna
  51. Wisp
  52. Wukong
  53. Xaku
  54. Yareli
  55. Zephyr

Prime Warframes

Not to be outdone, Prime Warframes offer enhanced versions of these characters, boasting improved stats and often more visually striking designs. Some notable Primes in the game include:

  1. Ash Prime
  2. Atlas Prime
  3. Banshee Prime
  4. Baruuk Prime
  5. Chroma Prime
  6. Ember Prime
  7. Equinox Prime
  8. Frost Prime
  9. Gara Prime
  10. Garuda Prime
  11. Gauss Prime
  12. Grendel Prime
  13. Harrow Prime
  14. Hildryn Prime
  15. Hydroid Prime
  16. Inaros Prime
  17. Ivara Prime
  18. Khora Prime
  19. Limbo Prime
  20. Loki Prime
  21. Mag Prime
  22. Mesa Prime
  23. Mirage Prime
  24. Nekros Prime
  25. Nezha Prime
  26. Nidus Prime
  27. Nova Prime
  28. Nyx Prime
  29. Oberon Prime
  30. Octavia Prime
  31. Revenant Prime
  32. Rhino Prime
  33. Saryn Prime
  34. Titania Prime
  35. Trinity Prime
  36. Valkyr Prime
  37. Vauban Prime
  38. Volt Prime
  39. Wisp Prime
  40. Wukong Prime
  41. Zephyr Prime

For more Warframe content, check out our guides below:

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