5-year-old Twitch streamer carries dad to Apex Legends win

apex legends five year old child wins matchTwith: NewbCybot

In one of the most heartwarming clips you’ll see today, an adorable five-year-old Twitch streamer helped carry his Dad to a big win in Apex Legends to literally everyone’s delight.

As we all know, getting a win in the Apex Games can be a tricky feat: it requires skill, precision, timing and luck all in abundance, especially if you’re a more casual player.

For many casual players, getting a win feels huge — but this five-year-old has put all of us to shame, looking completely comfortable in the game and guiding his very proud father to a victory on their first game of the day.

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If you only watch one Apex clip today, make it this one.

octane apex legends Respawn Entertainment
The young champion was playing as his favored Octane for this win.

Young Apex Legends player steals the show

For most of us, we’ll have a squad that we get on with that are roughly the same age as us, maybe friends you’ve made online, from school or elsewhere.

Now, imagine you and the boys losing a tough squad 1v1 at the end of the match, only to realize that you lost to a Dad playing with his five-year-old son. It’s impressive but almost a bit demoralizing knowing that this child is simply better than you.

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As you can see, NewbCybot almost takes it in his stride as he racks up another win with his excited dad. He simply takes aim at the enemy and lays fire into them until it’s over, smiling at his dad’s excitement when the victory screen comes up but otherwise looking like it’s just another day doing what he does best.

If this isn’t one of the most enviable father-son relationships there is, we don’t know what is. With any luck, Cybot could end up being a top player — and a Respawn employee even responded saying as much!

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In the clip posted to Reddit, Respawn social media manager Alex replied saying that he “looks forward to watching their pro career in the future.”

Who knows; maybe we are seeing the early days of one of the next big names in gaming, streaming and, of course, Apex Legends.