TSM Myth and Dakotaz Want Changes Made to Shotguns in Fortnite After Recent Nerf

After shotguns were recently hit with a significant nerf in Fortnite Battle Royale, two of the top streamers and competitive players, TSM Myth and Dakotaz, want changes made.

Epic Games implemented a shotgun nerf in an attempt to rebalance the game away from the manic shotgun battles that typically dominated close quarters engagements.

Some were in favor of seeing a slight rebalance, but as is often the case with attempting to fine tune weapon balance, it often ends up tipping the scale too much in the other direction.

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TSM player Ali “Myth” Kabbani called for an increased fire rate of the tactical shotguns, in order to make it a “contender” in the current meta.

Fellow streamer, Dakotaz, went into more detail on his channel, explaining that shotguns have become too weak, saying “everything is backwards.”

“Don’t nerf shotguns completely, because now they’re just garbage. Yes, they work sometimes, yes they still one shot people, and that will be Epic’s argument. But when? Like once in a blue moon.

If I land a headshot on somebody up close, with a shotgun, don’t you think I deserve to do a lot of damage and kill that guy. So everything is just backwards in Fortnite. That’s the best way to explain it, everything is backwards.”

Dakotaz goes on to express his disappointment that other personalities are “afraid to speak their minds”, and instead just say Epic Games are the best, without complaint.

Given the frequency at which Epic update the game, and how observant they are on all social channels, it is likely that at some point some more shotgun rebalancing will be made.

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