TimTheTatman mocks Ninja’s stream sniping debacle on Fortnite, after dying to YouTuber Fe4RLess

The Fortnite community erupted On Sunday November 11, after Ninja falsely reported an opponent for ‘stream sniping’, and now TimTheTatman has made fun of his his friend’s slip up on stream.

Ninja reported a player after dying to them and then seeing them ’emote’ after, convinced that he had been ‘stream sniped’ – where an enemy watches a streamer play to see where they are, to get an easy kill.

However, after the player feared that he would be banned and lose his account, he proved that he was not in fact stream sniping, and Ninja apologized.

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But, that wasn’t before some portions of the Fortnite community turned against Ninja, not happy with the way he reacted to think he had been stream sniped.

DrLupo, who was playing with Ninja at the time, was dragged into the controversy too, but attempted to distance himself, while TimTheTatman, a fellow streamer who often plays with Ninja, showed how much he cared by making a joke of it on stream.

After dying to YouTuber Fe4RLess (although we don’t think Tim actually noticed this), he jokingly opened up the report player menu and typed ‘stream sniping’ as the reason, just as Ninja had done.

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Fe4RLess, a YouTuber with almost 3 million subscribers, was of course very unlikely to have been stream sniping, although Tim actually wasn’t certain.

“He may have actually been stream sniping though, that guy, I don’t know, it’s the way of the road.” He says, accepting that stream sniping comes with the territory of being a big streamer, “here’s my response right, way of the road.”

By the sound of it, Tim had no idea that he had in fact just been killed by a popular YouTuber, proving that you should never judge who your opponent might be and what they are up to, stream sniping or not.

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Most games have very strict rules against stream sniping, particularly battle royale games. PUBG for example will hand out lengthy bans for doing it.

Twitch too is also strongly against stream sniping, and will in fact ban streamers who are caught stream sniping other streamers on the platform – so it’s definitely not recommended.