Tfue explains why he hates new Fortnite Season 2 location

LachlanInstagram: tfue / Epic Games

Twitch star Turner ‘Tfue’ Tenney has revealed which new Fortnite Season 2 location he can’t stand after frequently dying in the same spot – and you can see why.

Fortnite Season 2 released in February 2020 after an extension to the start of Chapter 2 took the first season way further than expected. With it came a bunch of new content, with new points of interest on the map, cosmetics and features to give the game a fresh face.

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One of the new areas of the map is called The Agency – a secret base plotted right in the middle of the map, with NPC guards that will aim to eliminate you on-sight if you land there. It’s become somewhat of a hot-drop, with a lot of loot there, and while players seem to love it right now, Tfue doesn’t seem to.

Instagram: tfue
Tfue has clearly taken issue with some aspects of Fortnite Season 2.

After dropping there for consecutive matches with long-term duo teammate Dennis ‘Cloakzy’ Lepore, the two got into a fight on the stairwell leading out from the basement.

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Though Tfue managed to get the better of one, he had trouble with his builds and edits and was eliminated by the teammate, and he wasn’t happy about it.

After he and Cloakzy had both died on the stairs, Tfue says “I can’t build. This is such a bad area, I f**king hate fighting here. I died in this same exact stairwell like two games ago.”

In the next game, though, they decided to land at a different vault – The Grotto – and had a lot more luck.

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Although Tfue went down early, Cloakzy managed to pick him up and they got to the end of the game, passing through The Agency as they went, and earned themselves a victory royale.

Tfue can’t have been that annoyed, as he still went back to The Agency several times again during his February 26 stream, obviously believing the risk to be worth the reward.