Tfue explains why Fortnite will be “unplayable” soon in controller rant

Epic Games, Twitch: Tfue

Fortnite star Turner ‘Tfue’ Tenney has explained why he believes the battle royale title will be “unplayable” in a few months, citing issues with ping and controller players as the reason.

Ping and aim assist have been widely-debated factors within the Fortnite community for years now, with people on all different sides of the spectrum having strong opinions on what is and isn’t acceptable.

Tfue is one of the most outspoken names on these issues, especially surrounding controller players and aim assist, and has now explained why they will make the game unplayable “within a year.”

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YouTube: FaZe Clan
Tfue has seen a lot of success in Fortnite

Never one to shy away from controversy and the bigger issues at stake, Tfue took to explaining to his viewers what the issue with in Fortnite is currently, telling them that it’s only going to get worse over time.

Drawing a “professional, graded” map of the USA, Tfue drew a bunch of green dots across the US to show where mouse and keyboard players live, with it mostly populated on the east coast but spread somewhat throughout the country as a whole.

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Then, he drew a big red circle on the east coast, which is supposed to denote where the controller players on low ping are living – the insinuation being that it’s much easier for them to play than his spread-out mouse and keyboard peers.

(Timestamp 1:30 for mobile viewers)

He said: “a few months and it’s going to be all controller players, and they’re all going to live in places with good internet and low ping. This game, just give it a few months, is going to be unplayable.”

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Tfue then assured his chat that he has “never spit more facts” and to “just remember” what he’s said and see if he’s right or wrong in a year’s time, the point in which he expects the game to be unplayable.

Of course, there’s no way to determine whether this will happen until a year later (February 2021, if you’re keeping tabs), but it’s obviously something Tfue feels extremely strongly about – and he’s not kept it a secret that he’s losing his patience with Fortnite.

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