SypherPK reveals crazy Fortnite trick that turns players into mini airstrike

SypherPK Fortnite Mini AirstrikeEpic Games / Twitter: SypherPK

In a recent video, SypherPK showed Fortnite players how to turn themselves into a mini airstrike using the new Exotic Burst Quad Launcher mixed with some other key ingredients.

Ali ‘SypherPK’ Hassan is the king when it comes to tips and tricks in Fortnite. He’s told players how to do everything from a glitch that lets you float at Coral Castle to mastering Zero Point Crystals.

Now he’s at it again, and this time, he revealed another crazy Fortnite trick. But unlike others that are more about cheeky stealth plays, this one turns players into a mini airstrike.

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SypherPK Fortnite Mini AirstrikeEpic Games
SypherPK’s mini airstrike trick revolves around the Burst Quad Launcher.

How to do the mini airstrike trick in Fortnite

First, you’ll need to get your hands on the new Exotic Burst Quad Launcher. It is sold by or dropped by an NPC named Fishsticks. You can find him at either Coral Castle or Craggy Cliffs.  If you decide to buy it from him, it will set you back 600 Gold Bars. However, if you choose to kill him instead, it will be yours for free.

Next, you’ll need to find some Bouncers and Shockwave Grenades. Once you’ve got everything you need, the combination is relatively easy to do. All you need to do is place a Bouncer. Then, stand on the edge and throw a Shockwave Grenade as you walk onto the Bouncer, which will send you flying in the air.

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After that, all that’s left to do is whip out the Burst Quad Launcher in mid-air and rain down the fire on unsuspecting enemies. If you’ve done it right, you should be able to kill even the healthiest foes by the time you land. SypherPK pulls it off perfectly in the video below.

The mini airstrike trick is relatively simple, but it’s effective, especially in the hands of a player as skilled as SypherPK.

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His opponent had no idea what was coming, and now you can do it to others, too.

Fortnite is all about doing everything you need to give you an edge over your opponent. Naturally, that means the element of surprise is often your best weapon, and nothing is more surprising than this trick.