SypherPK explains theory that next Fortnite season could start Chapter 3

Gaimer / Epic Games

With Season 5 of Fortnite Chapter 2 still having a ways to go before wrapping up, popular streamer and YouTuber, SypherPK, believes the battle royale’s next new season will actually kickstart Chapter 3.

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Nobody knew Epic Games was planning on release a whole different chapter of Fortnite until Season X wrapped up and the infamous Black Hole event took place. Fast-forward to today, and the second chapter is not even halfway through its fifth season despite having started 18 months ago, while Chapter 1 managed to fit 10 full seasons in a span of 24 months.

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This is exactly why SypherPK, one of the game’s most well-known content creators, believe Epic will opt to just use the next season as the first one of Chapter 3, rather than S6.

According to his calculations of the length of the Ch2 seasons so far – which have been considerably longer than Ch1’s – Sypher contends that another 10 whole seasons would take too long to fit in at this pace, leaving the game in an uninteresting state.

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Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5.Epic Games
With Season 5 not ending until late-March, Chapter 2 is progressing way more slowly than Ch1.

“The timeline would push in the two-and-a-half to four-year range if we played out the rest of the seasons on this map,” he explained. “Chapter 1, the old map, took about 24 months to complete. Chapter 2, on the other hand, is already on 18 months. If we go through all the rest of the seasons until X, we’ll be on this chapter until 2023,” Sypher explained. “I feel like that’s a very long time. It could make things boring without having a full, fresh reset.”

As with most other players, Sypher confessed to wanting to play on the old map once again but admitted that the likelihood of Epic bringing it back are slim, especially considering how much more this new map offers in terms of development possibilities that the first one doesn’t.

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He also pointed to Jonesy, one of Fortnite’s most iconic characters, undergoing a transformation that almost makes it seem like he’s turning into the iconic version that was first introduced when the battle royale was released. Could that be a teaser for the game’s plot heading backward rather than forward?

Ultimately, Sypher came to the conclusion that seeing a brand new map in the near future is not probably but he does expect Epic to make some major changes to the current one, similar to how the old map was completely transformed from one season to the next.

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As for his prediction about Chapter 2’s length and Ch3 starting soon, it does make sense that having the current chapter go the full 10 seasons could be too big of a stretch since it would take nearly three years, way too long for the game’s notoriously impatient player-base.

So, while we have to wait and see what the devs have up their sleeves, don’t be shocked if Chapter 3 comes by as soon as March.

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