New secret Fortnite map changes tease Doomsday Device final location

Epic Games

Epic Games is setting Fortnite up for another massive in-game event as the Doomsday clock ticks away. New map changes have been uncovered and we may now know the final location of the ominous Doomsday Device.

As Season 2 comes to a close, it looks like things will wrap up with another big bang. Perhaps not to the scale of The End event, but an enormous Doomsday Device could be set to change the map in a big way nonetheless.

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For weeks on end the secret device has been under construction in Midas’ room. But it might be emerging any day now, after new map changes were spotted.

Epic Games
The Doomsday Device has been evolving all throughout the season.

New map changes spotted underneath The Agency

Following Fortnite’s 12.60 update, brand new terrain has been discovered underneath The Agency. These new additions line up perfectly underneath the fountain out front of the Point of Interest (POI).

Additionally, bubbles have been spotted underneath the water fountain pool, and new black space has been added to the hatches. All of these secret changes are clearly preparing the map for what’s coming next.

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What could these new Fortnite changes mean?

While nothing is set in stone for the upcoming Doomsday event, the Ghost and Shadow factions have been at war since the beginning of the season. It seems as though this hostility could reach a breaking point as the Doomsday Device soon relocates underneath the Agency.

The big space that was just discovered could simply be awaiting the arrival of the world-changing contraption. “ I think it’s possible that the middle fountain/pool is going to open up to reveal the Doomsday Device underneath,” one avid Fortnite player suggested.

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There’s no telling exactly how it gets to the new location. However, the new hatches and the new bubbles, could signify all of the water being drained around The Agency. Making way for the finalized version as the timer nears its conclusion.

It’s only a matter of time before the seasonal transition is upon us. Keep your eyes peeled as the slightest changes in Fortnite could be major hints at what comes next.

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The Doomsday event is set to kick into gear on May 30 at 20:05 CEST, just days before Season 3 drops on June 4.

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