Reddit’s suggestion for a better way to display materials in Fortnite is pretty great

This community suggestion from Reddit’s /r/FortniteBR could make picking up materials much easier in game.

Right now, every bunch of materials looks the exact same, whether it is 30 wood or 500 wood.

Similar to how old-school Runescape used to change the pile of gold depending on how much was in it, Fortnite could have three or four different designs that give the player an idea if the stack is worth going for.

Proposed by /u/Shelim, this concept would make it easier to judge whether or not to enter the storm for materials, or even just if someone killed a ways away is worth looting.

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Plus Epic could have some fun with the different designs, making them more unique than just larger bundles of the same material design.

One Reddit user proposed large amounts of wood becoming pallets and another proposed that drops over 500 materials would take the shape of llamas made out of the material.

Of course, not everyone was in support of this idea. One user said, “the game doesn’t need to give you every answer,” and another said they enjoyed the risk in having to choose whether or not to attempt a looting.

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Epic has put community suggestions into the game before, and this is certainly a popular one, as it leads the subreddit with a score over 6,000 as of writing.