Reddit user shares last-minute rule change for TwitchCon’s Fortnite Fall Skirmish tournament that could change the meta entirely

Epic Games appear to be making some last-minute rule changes ahead of the final round of the Fortnite Fall Skirmish series at TwitchCon.

Fortnite’s TwitchCon events will include a Duos tournament that is open to anyone that registered online and a ‘Stream-Vitational’ competition that features a number of high profile content creators and some lucky TwitchCon attendees.

The combined prize pool for the two events will be ‘at least’ $2.6 million but the run up to it has not been a smooth one. Epic have already disabled the Fortnitemares zombies for the event following uproar from the competitive community, but it looks like the last-minute rule changes didn’t end there.

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Reddit user ‘FatLikeCheese’ took to the FortniteCompetitive subreddit to share a screenshot, presumably of an email from Epic Games, that outlined some rule adjustments that will now put a far greater emphasis on picking up kills during the competition:


If you are unable to view the image, it reads:

“A special bonus is being added to all tournament matches. This includes ALL Heats.

  • $10,000 will be awarded to the duo with the most combined eliminations during circles 3 and 4. During the match, admins will give indicators to when this phase is active.
  • If two or more duos are tied for the most eliminations during the special phase, the $10,000 bonus is withheld and rolled-over into the next match in the series. So the next match of the series will have a bonus $10,000 PLUS the existing $10,000. This will continue to roll-over until the bonus is claimed by the duo with the most eliminations.
  • If a roll-over tie occurs in the final match in the hear, the current bonus is rolled-over into the first match of the grand finals. If a roll-over tie occurs in the final match of the grand finals, the current bonus is rolled-over into the existing $50,000 total elimination bonus.”

Some Redditors were quick to slam Epic Games for adding hidden rule changes, claiming that this is simply an attempt to prevent competitors from playing for the late game.

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Others are simply excited to see how this will affect the meta. Luckily for them, they’ll find out soon enough as the competition is set to begin today, October 26.

There has currently been no confirmation about the rule change from Epic Games.