Potentially game breaking sniper exploit discovered in Fortnite

Fortnite players have started noticing a major glitch in the game, allowing snipers to be shot through the cracks in brick builds – something which could be seriously exploited.

When building a brick wall, by editing a ‘window’ slot in the center square, it glitches allowing the cracks in the brick to be shot through.

As can be seen in the video below, the wall gives ample cover while also allowing the player within it to shoot through the small gap between bricks.

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It’s not a perfect exploit however, as it also makes the wall penetrable from the outside, meaning the wall is in fact less effective cover once a window is built in it.

TSM player Daequan discovered this live on stream, which is perhaps how this exploit has gained attention.

The glitch should get patched quickly with Epic Games usually on top of these kind of exploits and always monitoring social channels, but it may not be fixed until the next big update.

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It is most effective with snipers especially, as demonstrated by Daequan, and so players with an accurate shot hiding behind a brick wall could be a real annoyance until fixed.

For now, though, just make sure you keep a keen eye on any brick walls with windows edited in, as there could be someone lurking behind.