Playing “More Fortnite Than Ever” Is the Key to Success for Harry Kane and England at the World Cup / Кирилл Венедиктов

Harry Kane has revealed the secret to the England football team’s current success at the World Cup and yes, you guessed it, it’s Fortnite Battle Royale!

“It’s coming home.” That’s the sentence that any English football fan will respond with if you ask them about England’s chances in the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Now, thanks to Fortnite, that is looking more likely than ever before.

You might think that we’re over exaggerating this point, England is now through to the quarter-final stage of the biggest tournament in football for the first time in 12 years, and it’s happened with a squad that many pundits had doubts about.

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In a recent interview with the BBC, the team’s captain, Harry Kane, revealed that him and the team are enjoying playing “more Fortnite than ever” while at the competition, and we believe the results speak for themselves!

The interviewer, Gabby Logan, asked Kane what he’s doing at the World Cup that he “really enjoys”, and the England skipper needed no time at all to answer:

“Playing Fortnite!

As silly as that sounds, it passed the time quite well, so there are quite a few of us just playing a few games of that.”

Kane goes on to state that his partner keeps saying that it feels like the team is “on a boys’ holiday” with everyone “just playing Fortnite” and he says he wants to “enjoy it while it lasts”!

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It’s no secret that some of the England players are fans of Fortnite. Kane’s Tottenham Hostpur teammate, Dele Alli, has previously streamed his games on Twitch and both of them have played with Fortnite sensation Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins in the past.

England will face Sweden in the quarter-final stage of the World Cup on July 7th, but don’t be surprised if you find yourself losing a building battle to “hkane93” before that!

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